Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 1

And I totally didn't realize that April was over until I got to work tonight. Wow. Still feel like crap, too. I forgot to stop for Tylenol Sinus stuff on the way home but we still had a few doses left. I bought some on my way to work, though. It's all hot and humid and disgusting out right now but it's supposed to storm later tonight when a cold front comes through. They're talking about daytime highs in the 50s tomorrow, and 25-30 mph winds. Wind chills in the 30s tomorrow night and Friday morning. My kind of weather! I forgot to put the towel back down in front of the kitty door so they'll probably have mud tracked all over the place by the time I get home in the morning. Turdbutts.

So I went home this morning and straightened up a little bit, then got TK off to school and put the lasagna together so all we had to do this afternoon was cook it. Hung out with TH for a little bit, then went to bed. They delivered the freezer this morning! I meant to open it and look in it but I forgot, lol. So it's sitting in the corner of the dining room, between the living room and the kitchen. TH mowed the yard and cleaned up the house a little bit while I was asleep, and made some of his banana pudding. When I got up I made the focaccia bread and some cake mix cookies, cooked the lasagna, and steamed some garlic cauliflower and asparagus stirfry veggies. I even had time for a quick shower before they got there. So we had dinner, and it was nice! See, I'm becoming much more social! :-P

They brought a few things that we had left in their freezer: 2 packages of chicken breast, 2 packages of sausage, and a package of fajita meat (chicken or pork, I'm not sure which). So we already have something to put in the little freezer! Nobody really seems to have anything on an awesome, stock-up-on-it sale price this week. Bastards. Sprouts has chicken breast for $1.99/lb but they run that fairly often. I do need to get more frozen veggies because I only have one bag of sugar snap pea stir fry. I think we still have like 6 bags of peppers and onions, though. We put those in freaking everything, lol.

Since it's supposed to be cold and gross tomorrow we'll probably just stay home and hang out. And sleep :-) Tomorrow night is TH's night to cook, and I think he's decided on pork chops. This is working really well so far! We've been cooking almost every night, and then leftovers get eaten for lunch at home or I bring them to work. I haven't eaten one of those little microwaveable dinners for lunch at work since we've been home. That was getting expensive! TH still buys a few every week, but only for his 12 hour days on the weekends. And lately if we have leftovers he'll take those. I love cooking, and I love our kitchen!!

So last night at work I ate the casserole stuff, a banana, a yogurt, and half of a king size Snickers bar. I kinda want to say I might have had a package of oatmeal, but I just can't remember. It was either last night or the night before. When I got home this morning I made a black bean veggie burger. For dinner I had half a piece of lasagna, some veggies, a piece of focaccia bread, and 2 cookies. I brought more veggies and a piece and a half of lasagna to work. Nom nom nom.

Haha wow. now they're saying that it doesn't look like the storms and stuff are going to make it to us. Guess we'll see. Still windy and cool for tomorrow, so yay!

What else? Oh - I can't believe it took me this long to get this. We still don't really have bedroom furniture, so I've been using this as a nightstand since we moved in...

It's a Halo 4 Promethean Knight. Get it? It's a (k)nightstand!! XD

Song: Weezer - (If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To. I didn't realize this song was that old - I swear I just started hearing on the radio. Weird...

Best thing: Dinner went well!!

Worst thing: Bird Flu...Urk, blah :-/


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