Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9

Thursday night, yay! It is thundering and lightning its ass off and I do not like it! Ok, the lightning is cool to watch but it's getting closer and scarier and that I do not like. Grrrrr. There was some hail and severe stuff close by but so far nothing bad has made it here. It rained a little earlier, while I was asleep, and it's trying to rain a little more now. Luckily TH thought to put a towel down in front of the kitty door to minimize the little muddy kitty prints. We still have little dried mud chunks everywhere but the towel catches most of the wet squishy stuff, so that's something, at least.

So I took my final this morning. I passed the class with a C, yay!! I...almost passed the final. I made a 68 :-/ But it gave me enough points to pass the class so that's the important part. TH, the fucker, ended up with an A in the class! I think he only needed like 20 points on the final to pass the class and he got over 1,000. So that was pretty awesome. He should definitely be eligible for financial aid in the fall. We took microeconomics this semester so he's thinking about taking macroeconomics and...something else. Dunno yet. But we're done for the semester, yay!!!! Now I need to find something to keep me busy at work, lol.

Ok so I did my little cheat sheet last night, then went home this morning and drank a little coffee, and hung out with TH before we took TK to school and went to take the final. Finished that up and went to the storage place. We actually got everything sorted into keep and not keep piles. We brought one load of keep stuff home, and right now it's sitting on the table in the dining room. I think we'll try to get some of it cleaned up this weekend. TK found some Transformers guys in there, so we told him anything he finds and cleans up, he gets to keep. He's already started, lol. I had a bunch of My Little Ponies, and some of them are pretty clean but some of them are...not. I'm curious to see how well they clean up. We also found what looks like the whole set of our old silverware, and TH cleaned it up so we can use it. We actually bought new stuff because we thought the old stuff was gone, but the new stuff isn't as good as the old stuff. Pretty, but kinda cheap.

I'm going to go by the store on my way home in the morning and then we're going to go back to the storage place again. Some of the stuff that is just trash will fit in the trash can at the house so that might be all that we do tomorrow. TH kinda wants to look at the couch and chair that we left there to get rid of and see if they're in better shape than the ones we took to the house. If they are we may swap them out. Then we can call Salvation Army or whoever to come pick up the good stuff that we just don't want. And then see what's left. If we have it emptied before May 21 we won't have to pay another month. I would rather not pay another month, lol.

We've decided to do wings and maybe fries or tater tots or something tomorrow night instead of pizza. Like, Tyson's frozen wings, not Pizza Hut. Much cheaper, and (lately) actually better. I haven't been too terribly impressed with the Pizza Hut wings lately. That means that we have to find something to make Saturday night since there won't be leftover pizza, but that's ok. It sounds good. TH made dinner tonight - he thawed out the precooked chicken tenders and made a chicken/fajita veggie/rice skillet type thing. It was pretty good!

So last night at work I ate the chicken/veggie thing and a small bag of chips.. I drank some coffee when I got home this morning, and after we got finished at the storage place I had a tuna sandwich and a small bag of chips. I stayed up way late so I slept til 8:30 and just ate a granola bar when I got up. I brought some of the chicken/rice stuff that TH made to work with me, and dumped about half a bag of frozen veggies in with it :-)

Last night I started using one of the Weight Watchers type tracking apps on my phone. It was kinda disturbingly fascinating going through and calculating how many points some stuff is worth. No wonder I wasn't losing anything :-/

I did figure out, too, that I either need to cut wayyyy back on drinking, or switch to something else, just for how many points it cost. A 1 1/2 ounce "shot" of vodka (or whatever) is 4 points. I don't measure when I make a drink, but I imagine I use at least twice that. And I usually make at least 2 in the mornings before I go to bed. I think I figured that a 1.75 L bottle is something like 39 "shots", and at 4 points apiece, that's 156 points. I usually drink a bottle per week (shut up), so that's an extra 22 points per day :-/ Add that to all of the crap that I was eating before...yeah no fucking wonder huh? Interestingly enough, the beer that we buy (Steel Reserve) is also 4 points per can. I wonder if I wouldn't be better off switching to drinking that all the time instead of vodka or whatever. Like, if I went home and had 2 beers before I went to bed, that's "only" 8 points, and it's easy to keep track of. Portion controlled, and shit. Huh. that would actually be cheaper, too - a bottle of vodka is like $12 per week and a 12 pack of beer would be like $9 for a week. I may try that!

TK's buddy wants to spend the night again but I told him maybe next week. I need to spend some time with TK - I really haven't seen him much this week! Monday and Tuesday I was feeling shitty so I went back to bed after he got home. Yesterday and today I stayed up late doing shit so I slept late. I need to try to get a decent nap in the morning so I can stay up with him tomorrow night. Plus it's double XP weekend on Black Ops 2 so we might play some online multiplayer and try to rank up a little bit before we get roflstomped too bad XD And we have Transformers and Ponies to clean up, yay!

Sunday is Mother's Day. I fucking hate Mother's Day, for some reason. It just pisses me off. We never really do anything for it. or anything, so I dunno. We don't really do much for Father's Day, either, but I usually try to do something, at least. TH isn't exactly the best at stuff like that, which kinda sucks. It's kinda the same way on my birthday. Eh, whatever, right?

A couple of pictures, yay!!

Chair full of buttheads. Naga, Snipe, and Moose. I don't see how he sleeps like that.

The fish tank our awesome resident brought us! No fish yet, but soon!

Song: "Weird Al" Yankovick - The Saga Begins. I can't believe I've never posted one of these! I have a whole Weird Al playlist :-) This is the Star Wars one.

Best thing: Passed my class!

Worst thing: Scary storm :-/


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