Sunday, May 5, 2013

May 5

Sunday night. Yay. Today is Cinco de Mayo but it's not very busy out here. I guess this isn't much of a Cinco de Mayo type area. It got a little warm today but it's nice and cool tonight. I'm not looking forward to the nights when it's still like 90 outside when I get here. It won't be too much longer, probably. I fucking hate the summers here :-/

So Friday I took TK to school, and we stopped at McDonald's for a caramel mocha. He got a sausage biscuit, too. Turns out that if you get it with skim milk and leave off the whipped cream, they're not bad for you at all! Dropped him off and went to HEB for a few things, then went home and picked up TH and we went to Target. He wanted to look for a wireless keyboard that he had seen online, for the computer that is hooked up to the TV. We kinda planned on going to Home Depot to look at plants, but I found some Halo 4 action figures marked down to half price, so we spent a little more at Target than we were planning to. Got home and hung out for a little bit, took a short nap, and got up when TK got home. Played with him for a while, then TH came home with pizza and I cooked it. We didn't see anything that looked good at Redbox this week but we had gotten Minority Report from Netflix so we watched that. We had seen it before, but it had been long enough that I didn't remember the ending, lol. Hung out with TH til he went to bed, then stayed up and messed around on the PS2 while TK played Team Fortress 2 on his computer.

Saturday we slept kinda late then I did some laundry and cleaned a little. Cooked the hamburger meat (more on that later). TK's buddy came over to spend the night, again. When TH got home we ate leftover pizza and watched part of a movie before he went to bed. Hung out with the boys for a little bit, then played a little PS2 by myself. Stayed up pretty late (again), then slept late again today.

Didn't really do much today except laundry and cook dinner. TH had thawed out some pork chops to cook Thursday, but didn't (GRRRRRRRRRR). So, I cooked the pork chops on the stove, made homemade macaroni and cheese, and cooked a bag of frozen broccoli stirfry veggies. At HEB the other day I bought a couple of packages of veggie kabobs (onions, red and green bell peppers, yellow squash, zucchini, and mushrooms) that were marked down, so I took one package and kinda quick-sauteed it in the skillet I cooked the pork chops in. Nom nom nom!! I ate about half of a pork chop, a little macaroni, and some veggies. Brought the other half of the pork chop and more veggies to work with me. Also some fruit, yogurt, and a piece of banana bread.

I had bought 2 pounds of hamburger meat at HEB so Saturday I cooked that up, cooked some TVP crumbles, and mixed it all together to make a precooked "meat" blend for stuff like tacos and tater tot casserole. For stuff like lasagna and chili just straight TVP crumbles work great but for some things you need a little bit of hamburger meat for it to taste right. I packaged it into 4 quart sized bags, about a pound in each, and stuck them all in a gallon sized freezer bags. So basically that cuts the price of using ground beef in half! I also made sure to check the menu that we had planned out, and got what we needed for every day this week. Yay!

Dunno what else. Bored. Took a few cute kitty pictures but don't really feel like messing with them. Still feel kinda crappy, but not nearly as bad. I really should be studying for the Economics final but I don't feel like it. We're allowed to take in a page of notes so I'll probably just half-ass something together Wednesday night and call it good :-/

Song: Butthole Surfers - Pepper. I had never seen the video before - it's not as out there as I figured it would be. Huh.

Best thing: Half price Halo 4 action figures!

Worst thing: Kinda feeling like I'm getting stuck doing a lot of the housework and shit lately :-/

I guess that's it.

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