Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21

I am tired. I'm tired, and it's busier than fuck here at work, and every time I go outside I get swarmed by hundreds of little fucking gnats or something, and my stomach hurts for some reason, and I just don't fucking want to be here. I want to be at home making sure my kitty is ok! We took Snipe to the vet this morning and had to wait for fucking ever because we just did a walk-in instead of an appointment. Sure enough, he has a bladder infection :-/ They did a urinalysis and it's a pretty bad one. They've put him on antibiotics and said to come back in 2 weeks to make sure it's gone. We had the option of a pill twice a day for 2 weeks or a one time shot that's supposed to last the entire 2 weeks. The shot was about $20 more but we went with that. Figured that would be much easier than trying to catch him and shove a pill down his throat 14 times, lol. The vet said that the only thing now is to watch and make sure he is still able to pee, because sometimes a bladder infection can lead to a blockage and that can be very bad. So of course now I'm super fucking paranoid following him around trying to make sure he's still peeing. He keeps going in the litterbox but I can't tell if he's actually doing anything or not. He does act like he feels better, so that's something. I'm just worried about him. I don't want to lose another kitty :-(

We didn't get back from the vet until after 11:00. I ate a veggie burger and drank a few beers and it was probably about 12:45 before I got to bed. I woke up before TK got home to see if I needed to go pick him up from the bus stop if the weather was doing anything nasty. Went back to sleep for a little while, and now I'm at work. Yeefuckinghaw. Yeah, they were talking about thunderstorms and severe weather and all that shit and it ended up raining for like half an hour and that was it. No storms is good but we could have used a little more rain.

That's all I've got. I'm just too fucking tired to think right now. I'm kinda thinking I'll be going home and going straight to bed unless I seriously wake the fuck up here in a little bit. I am drinking a Monster but it ain't doing much. Well, straight to bed after I check on Stupid, that is :-/

Song: Three Days Grace - Wake Up. Lol, get it? Because I'm all like tired and shit? Haha...okay. I do love this song, though.

Best thing: Got Stupid taken care of, and it's something relatively minor.

Worst thing: Poor little sick Stupid :-(


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