Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28

Stayed up too late again today. Sigh. It's just hard to get home and go to bed before everyone is up messing around. I hate to get home and wake TH up if he's still asleep, but by the time I wait until after I get TK up and off to school, if I was tired when I got home I've usually woken up. Though for some reason it seems like TH is getting good at getting up right after TK leaves. Butthead.

So I got home and played a little Black Ops 2 online multiplayer before I woke TK up. He left for school and TH got up, and we watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad. I heated up the leftover breakfast burrito from yesterday and had a bag of Sunchips for breakfast. Went to bed, and got up for a little while when TK got home. Took another quick nap while he played online with his buddies. Got up before TH got home and made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. I finally found the Whataburger Spicy Ketchup at HEB last week, so we had that with the fries. It's awesome - tastes just like what you get in the little tubs.

Talked to Mom earlier, and unless something happens before then she's going to come spend the weekend with us. It kinda sucks because I'm going to pick her up Friday but I don't think my brother will be able to come over this weekend so I'll have to take her home on Sunday, too. Eh. It should be relatively painless, though. I would definitely rather her spend 2 days at my house than me spend 2 days at her house. She's excited to see the house and everything! I haven't told TK yet that he's getting kicked out of his bed for 2 days, lol. Figure he can sleep on the couch in the game room.

The guy who set up the fish tank for us has a friend who wants to get rid of a few fish. I think he said there are a few neon tetras and a beta. Or something like that. He's supposed to bring them by later this week. We're gonna have fishes!!!

Oh yeah - I saw a snake last night! I went out to move my car before my boss got here and he was just sitting out there in the driveway chilling. Best I can tell from looking at pics online he was a checkered garter snake. He was so cute! Probably about 18 inches long or so, and skinny. Of course when I told the guys today they kinda freaked out, lol. Not quite as bad as they did last week when the other guy here caught a giant centipede that had wandered into the building though :-D I work with a bunch of pussies, lol.

Not much else going on, so how about pictures of scary critters (lol) from work?

So cute! Not the best picture, but it was dark out.

My buddy's centipede. He's keeping him in the cabinet here at work. I've named him Fred :-)

Song: ZEALE, Patricia Lynn - Hope Dies. Another new one. I like :-)

Best thing: Had a couple of good games of Black Ops 2 this morning.

Worst thing: Still kinda tired.

Yep yep yep.

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