Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19

Yay, Sunday night. Eh. It's still busier than normal here at work because all of the college kids are home but at least there's no stupid tournament this week. Only a couple more weeks til school's out, then I'll have all of the little high school fuckers running in and out all night. Sigh. I fucking hate summertime around here.

Friday I took TK to school then went by the store. Hung out with TH for a while and watched a few more episodes of Breaking Bad, then went to bed when he left for work. Got up and picked TK up at the bus stop and we went to get a half price drink at Sonic, then stopped at the Crappy Mart and bought a couple of Gatorades for TH. It has gotten freaking hot, and I figured he could use them at work this weekend. Went home and played a little Black Ops 2, then TH got home and we cooked pizza. We couldn't figure out a movie that sounded good so we just watched a few more Breaking Bad episodes and TK played Team Fortress 2. TH went to bed and I stayed up just a little later, then TK and I both went to bed. I was tired, lol.

Saturday we got up at like 10:00, which is early for us. I vacuumed, swept, mopped, cleaned the bathrooms, and did about 8 loads of laundry. I even changed all of the sheets and washed pillows and shit. I was tired this morning! TK and I played a little Black Ops 2 off and on throughout the day, and when TH got home we had leftover pizza and watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad. I actually went to bed when TH did. There was a party going on somewhere close by and I could hear the music just enough to annoy me, but when we turned on the little white noise app I couldn't hear shit. It was nice :-) TK stayed up a little later then  he went to bed.

I didn't sleep very well last night for some reason, so I got up for a little while today and just kinda messed around a little bit. Ate a bowl of turkey chili and then took a nap. I think I slept better during that nap than I did all night last night. Weird. Got up after TH got home and he had heated up the cooked pork chops that we thawed out the other day and made some mashed potatoes for dinner. He made me a little to go container with a pork chop, a few mashed potatoes, and some frozen stir fry veggies that he heated up just for me. So sweet :-) I brought some fruit and stuff, too. Yay.

So I realized I haven't put anything in the little tracker for like 3 days now. Grrrrrrrr. I had decided that I was going to get a 12 pack of beer and just drink 2 of those before I go to bed in the mornings instead of mixing vodka or whatever. I think that will be better because it's all portion controlled and shit. They're 4 points apiece, so if I drink 2 that's 8 points. I think I figured that if I was drinking a bottle of vodka or whatever per week that added up to like 22 points per day :-/ Yeah, this has got to be better. I wonder if I'll feel better, too. Hmmm.

On Friday the lady next door had a tree trimming company out to take down one of the big trees in her front yard. They had had it trimmed several times when big limbs started getting dangerous but it had started splitting and one of the big limbs was laying on their roof. So they took it all the way down to the ground. It looks weird now! When TH got home Saturday though he noticed that they had apparently dropped a limb on the corner of our driveway because it's cracked! They broke our new fucking driveway! I can't imagine that they didn't notice, so I don't know WTF they were thinking. TH says there's really no way to repair it, either. It just fucking figures, you know? Finally have something nice and somebody fucks it up. He's gonna talk to the neighbors about it, though. We'll see what happens.

Song: Black Angels - Indigo Meadow. Another one from the new music dealie on the radio.

Best thing: No more cramps! At least for a month. Sigh...

Worst thing: They fucked up our driveway!! Assholes >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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