Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6

Kinda tired tonight. I drank a whole bottle of wine this morning, and stayed up a lot later than I should have. Not..the best idea :-/ Went home this morning and got TK off to school, did a little bit of cleaning, and played a little PS2 before TH got up. Hung out with him and finished the movie that we had started Saturday night then went to bed. I woke up for a little bit when TK got home but went back to sleep until about 7:00. So I really didn't get much done today. We basically did a scrounge for yourself kinda thing for dinner. Sunday nights are usually scrounge nights but last night I cooked what I had planned for tonight, so that worked.

So we apparently have some kind of virus on one of our computers, probably either the big one or the laptop that TK uses. When I tried to get online on my phone earlier today it kept redirecting to an ISP warning page saying that our modem had been flagged for having a computer connected to it that might be transmitting malware. Or something like that - I forget the specifics. We ran antivirus scans and a malware removal program and found something on the big one, but it seems like it was just generic spyware. The little one hadn't finished running by the time I left for work. I figure it's probably something TK picked up from one of the TF2 servers :-/

Last night at work I ate the leftover pork chops and veggies and the piece of banana bread. When I got home this morning I ate a box of Hot Pockets and 2 small bags of chips. I ate a cheese stick before I came to work, and right after I got here I ate a small bag of chips and a turkey pastrami sandwich. I also brought about half a bag of frozen stirfry veggies mixed with a can of tuna. Figure if I'm hungry in the morning when I get home I'll probably finish the veggies before I go to bed. We've planned on veggie burgers and fries tomorrow night, so I'll eat a burger and a few fries, and probably fix up the other little tray of veggie kabobs to go with it. Cause VEGGIES!! We need to go by Sam's and get some more veggie burgers and lettuce.

TH wants to go take the test Wednesday so I guess I'd better make up my cheat sheet thingie tomorrow night. It might be better to wait until Thursday, though, because any extra credit tests and stuff have to be done by Wednesday. I probably should take a few of those, because I know I'm going to need the points. I just want to get it all over with, though. We also need to go finish cleaning out the storage place before the 20th, so we don't get stuck paying for another whole month. Don't really wanna. Just been kinda blah the last few days, and I don't know why. Sigh.

Still haven't messed with the kitty pictures or anything. We went through the iTunes music on the big computer and found about 100 songs that wouldn't play, because they were authorized to an old iTunes account. So I need to go find all of them again. Gives me something to do, I guess?

I still need to find a hobby, or something. A "thing". I still don't really have a "thing", and I need to find one. No idea what it would really be, though. TK gets out of school in less than a month, and I need to figure out what to do with him this summer. Last summer was just a huge fucking waste - we didn't do anything, and he basically played video games all summer. At least this year he's back in the neighborhood with his buddies, so that will help. I know what's going to happen if I let it, though. He'll stay up super late every night, while I'm at work, and sleep until after TH goes to work. Then if I go home and sleep, he'll be getting up when I do. And then texting me all night at work because TH has gone to bed already. So basically he's up my ass all the time and TH has all of the free time in the world. Kinda like now >:-(

I dunno what else. I'm tired, and bored, and ever so slightly pissy. Not really sure why, either. So fuck it, that's all I've got for tonight.

Song: Lhugueny - Tranzit The Musical. It's a Black Ops 2 Zombies parody of Scream and Shout. The video is fucking awesome. OMG the dancing bus!!!!

Best thing: Saw both my cop buddy and my patrol guy buddy tonight. I hadn't seen either one in about a week.

Worst thing: Stupid virus warning thing.


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