Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7

Tired again. Went home and cleaned up a little, got TK off to school, and stayed up too late hanging out with TH. Sounds awfully familiar, huh? We've decided to wait until Thursday to go take the final, so when I get home tomorrow I need to do any of the extra credit tests that I'm going to do. Then tomorrow night I'll try to read a little and halfass a cheat sheet for Thursday. And then I'm done, yay. I am so ready to be done.

Got up a little bit after TK got home and we made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. For lunch here at work I brought the rest of the veggies from yesterday and 2 of those chicken breast tenders that I had cooked and frozen. This morning before I went to bed I had a small bag of chips and an egg sandwich - 2 eggs, 2 pieces of turkey pastrami, a slice of cheese, and some guacamole. Yay.

Mom texted me earlier, said that my youngest niece (I think she's 18) fell this weekend and broke a couple of bones in her forearm. She went to the hospital and had it checked out and they want to do surgery tomorrow or Thursday, to put a plate in there or something. My brother and sister-in-law (her parents) were supposed to go on a cruise this weekend so now they're going to postpone it. It all kinda sucks, I guess.

I dunno what else. Not really in a writing kind of mood today. So there you go.

Song: Halo Reach OST - Winter Contingency Suite. There are 8 different songs included in here, but some of them are only like 30 seconds long or whatever. These are all of the songs that play on the first mission (Winter Contingency) of Halo Reach. I wubs this soundtrack :-)

Best thing: We seem to have gotten rid of whatever computer virus we had. Fingers crossed!

Worst thing: Tired and headachey.


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