Thursday, May 23, 2013

May 23

Thursday night, finally. Seems like it has been another long week for some reason. And holy crap it is freaking busy again. Why won't the people just go away??? I am so not looking forward to Sunday night - since everyone is off Monday for Memorial Day it will probably be twice as busy. Grrrr. At least the drive home Monday morning will be nice? Hooray for no traffic!

So TH went and met the boss dude at the swimming pool he's supposed to start picking up the extra hours at. They just kinda showed him around and explained shit. And, he got paid for it! Including travel time! They want somebody there from 7-9 pm Friday and Saturday nights through the summer, mostly just to run people out when it closes at 9:00 and to keep the riff raff out. He's going to do the Friday nights, since he works at his site from 2:30-7, and another guy is going to do the Saturday nights. So that won't be too bad, I guess. And it gives him 2 more hours per week, so yay. I think right now he's only working 37 1/2 hours. We'll just do movie night on Saturdays as long as he's doing that.

I went home this morning and didn't quite go straight to bed but it was definitely the earliest in a long time. I got home and cleaned up just a little then started playing some Black Ops 2 before I woke TK up. Got him off to school and played a little bit longer. TH got up and came in there to watch while he was drinking his coffee. I went to bed at about 8:30, then woke up around 2 and couldn't go back to sleep. I got up and played a little more, until TK and his buddy got home. I took another quick nap and TH made dinner. Now I'm at work. Hooray.

Stupid still seems to be doing fine. I didn't really get a chance to watch him today so I don't know if he's still in and out of the litterbox every 5 minutes but he acts like he feels better :-)

I'm planning on taking TK to school in the morning and going by the store. We don't need much, so it shouldn't take very long. Probably go home and watch a few episodes of Breaking Bad with TH and take a nap. I need to try to get a better nap than I did last week so maybe I can stay up a little later tomorrow night. Then cleaning and laundry and all that shit Saturday. Yay.

Eh, dunno what else. Bored. Bored bored bored bored. I need to find a hobby, or something. That would be good.

Song: Blake Shelton, Trace Adkins - Hillbilly Bone. Cause why not. And right and the end of the video...FUCK YOU, I'M A CHICKEN!!! XD

Best thing: Had a really good game in online multiplayer Black Ops 2 :-)

Worst thing: Headache :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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