Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13

Well, I'm in a better mood today. It's just not worth being pissed off over. Pretty sure that TH knows I was mad about yesterday though, because when I left for work tonight I found a couple of little plastic Hello Kitty containers and some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the front seat of my car. He asked me this morning if I was mad - I started to try to explain it but just didn't feel like it. I dunno, maybe I'm being unreasonable. I'm just tired of feeling like I'm being taken for granted, you know? It would be nice to feel appreciated sometimes. But whatever, I guess.

So, let's see. This weekend...oh yeah. Friday morning it was still storming its ass off. I stopped at HEB on my way home and TH got up and put TK on the bus. We had planned on going back to the storage place to work a little more but decided not to because of the weather. I cleaned up some of my ponies and stayed up way too late hanging out with TH. We started watching Breaking Bad. It's pretty interesting so far. TH went to work and I slept until TK got home. We decided to do the frozen wings, cheddar peppers, and mozzarella sticks instead of pizza for movie night. We watched Jack Reacher - it wasn't bad. Hung out with TH until he went to bed and then TK and I stayed up playing video games.

Got up fairly early Saturday, at least for us. Did a little cleaning and laundry and then TK and I went to the storage place. We got a little bit more of the stuff we want to keep and all of the trash that would fit in our trash can at home. Went by Sonic and got a half price drink, then sorted through all of the stuff at the house and cleaned/organized most of it. There are a few boxes left on the table but most of it is stuff TH needs to go through. I think there's not much left at storage except for some of TH's stuff, a little bit of kitchen stuff, and the stuff we're going to see if Salvation Army will take. So hopefully we can get it all out of there this week.

TH came home and we made nachos for dinner and watched Mission Impossible 3. Hung out with him, then he went to bed and TK and I messed around a little bit. We sat out front blowing bubbles for the cats to chase, lol. We tried the trick where you cut open a glow stick and pour it into the bubbles to make glowing bubbles. It doesn't work :-/ The solution glows a little bit but it won't blow bubbles any more. It's like it changes the consistency of the solution too much. We were so disappointed. Played a little bit of Black Ops 2 and then went to bed.

Sunday I slept pretty late and really didn't do much of anything. Played a few games of Black Ops 2 zombies with TK and then took a nap before I came to work. So that was that. It has been busier at work so far this week. I guess a lot of the kids are finished with college for the semester because they're home now. And so it begins, sigh. I think I figured out that TK has like 16 days left, or something like that. Yay?

Went home this morning and cleaned up the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher, and got TK up and off to school. Played a game of Black Ops 2 zombies and a few games of online multiplayer. I ranked up a little bit, yay! Watched 2 more episodes of Breaking Bad with TH then went to bed too late, again. I planned on making orange chicken/veggie stirfry and rice for dinner but I ended up sleeping too late. I got up at 7:30, and I probably would have slept later but TH called me from Sam's to see what all we needed. So now we have lettuce! And veggie burgers!! So I made a salad with veggies and tuna to bring to work tonight. Salad, nom nom nom. I'll probably do the stirfry tomorrow. And try to go to bed earlier :-/

So I started using the points tracker thingie Thursday, but I didn't put anything in Saturday so it skipped a day. Eh. Friday I ate a tuna sandwich and a small bag of chips when I got home, then we had the wings and stuff for dinner. Saturday I had a few leftover wings and things for lunch, then nachos for dinner. Sunday I had a tuna sandwich when I got up, then stopped at Subway for a ham sandwich on the way to work. I ate the sandwich, a small bag of chips, and a yogurt at work. This morning when I got home I had a box of Hot Pockets and 2 small bags of chips. I ate 2 cheese sticks when I got up, and stopped at McDonald's for a free chicken wrap (I had a coupon). I brought the salad also in case I get hungry later. I think that's it? Next weekend I need to make sure I log everything in the little tracker thingie!

Can't really think of anything else. I do have a few pictures though, yay!

The kitties are definitely enjoying the stuff we brought home from storage. Snipe, Hiccup, and Moose.

Ponies!! These are all of the full size ponies (and a few babies!) that weren't too dirty because they were in a box. They cleaned up nicely. Some of the others weren't so lucky :-/

McDonald's Happy Meal ponies. The ones on the right are a lot older, before they tried to make them all cutesy and shit. Oh, and a random dollar store pony and a troll, lol.

The "surprise" I found in my car tonight. It's something :-)

Song: Linkin Park - New Divide. I think this one is fairly new. I like! And the video has Transformers :-)

Best thing: I has chocolate :-) I'm gonna need it in the next few days...

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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