Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22

Well, I stayed up too late again today so I'm still tired, but not nearly as bad as last night. I was so sleepy when I got off work but by the time I drove home and everything I was awake. Maybe if I had tried to go straight to bed I could have but I went home and cleaned. Sigh. I swept, cleaned the mud off the sink, microwave, counters, and window sills, and cleaned up a couple of little pee spots. Got TK up and out the door and was just about to go play some zombies when TH got up. Sigh. So we watched a few more episodes of Breaking Bad and I drank a few beers. I think I went to bed around 1:00 :-/ Tomorrow...tomorrow I'm going home and doing nothing. I'm going to wake TH up when I get home so he can get TK up and off to school and I'm going to bed.

So poor little Baby Stupid seems to be feeling much better. He's still in and out of the litterbox every few minutes, and he's not peeing much at a time but he is peeing. So no blockage! And his pee is still darker than it should be, but not orangish like it was yesterday :-/ I've noticed that it seems like he's drinking a little bit more, too. Still gonna keep an eye on him but I'm thinking he should be ok! We're supposed to take him back in 2 weeks to do another urinalysis and see if it's all cleared up. If not, he'll need another round of antibiotics. Hopefully this one dose will do the trick, though. I got to thinking about it, and this is really the first time one of our kitties has been sick in I don't know how long. So we've been really lucky!

TK was supposed to fix dinner tonight but he screwed around and didn't, so I brought some stirfry veggies and one of those little pork riblet thingies to work with me. I think he was going to do spaghetti. TH is cooking tomorrow night, something to do with sausage, and we'll do pizza and leftover pizza Friday and Saturday. I told TK he gets to cook Sunday night instead, lol. This paycheck is going to be a little tight after we pay bills but we should be ok. I do think we're going to try to cook what we have in the freezer though so we don't have to spend much on groceries this time. Monday is Memorial Day and I work 8 hours and TH works 6 1/2, so we'll have a little bit of holiday pay on the next check. Yay!

I talked to my mom earlier. She still hasn't had a chance to go see about a new phone and she's getting really whiny about it. She's going to try to come spend next weekend with us (sigh) so I told her if she hasn't done it by then we'll go check it out. She wants an iPhone, but I don't think she's really going to like it. She wanted an iPad soooooo bad and my brother finally bought her one for her birthday this year. She doesn't really like it. She hates to text on it and I've told her that the iPhone keyboard is the same, just smaller. So she'll probably still end up getting one and then I'll have to hear her bitch about how she doesn't like it. And I get to pay $30 a month for the privilege of hearing her bitch about it. Awesome.

It is so freaking busy, it's ridiculous. I wish these people had something better to do than run in and out all fucking night. Must be fucking nice, huh? And it's only gonna get worse when school lets out. I fucking hate summertime here >:-(

Eh, I'm tired and cranky. So fuck it all.

Song: twenty one pilots - Holding on to You. Another one I've been hearing on the radio lately. It's amazing how you can remember nothing except one tiny little phrase from a song and still find it on YouTube, lol.

Best thing: The guy at work brought his new gun to show me. Shiiiiiiiiny :-)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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