Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30

Tired. And I think I'm dying. I'm pretty sure I'm trying to get the sicky crap that TH and TK had last week. Bird Flu...cough, cough..urk blah :-/ (Whenever one of us gets sick we blame it on Bird Flu, lol) So I kinda feel like shit. Plus I went home this morning and finished the gummy bears before I went to bed. Probably not the best idea. I took some Tylenol Sinus before I came to work though so hopefully that will help. I need to stop for some more on my way home in the morning.

When I got home this morning I swept, emptied the dishwasher, and washed what was leftover from dinner last night. I had thought that TH was going to get in there and do it, but apparently not. Got TK up and off to school, hung out with TH for a little bit, then went to bed. I had some seriously fucked up dreams but I don't really remember what they were about. Got up a little bit after TK got home and hung out with him for a little bit, and then he made soup and grilled cheese for dinner. I was impressed - all I had to do was answer a few questions and he did all of the work. Not bad considering that he's never really cooked by himself before. We'll work up to harder stuff as we go along. TH came home and we ate dinner, then I took my test. I made a 77. Definitely better than I thought I would do! Still pretty sure I'm screwed on the final, though :-/

Before TH went to work he got the patio table cleaned up and moved inside, and set 3 of the chairs out on the front porch. I figure that will work for now, until we can get a real dining room table and get a patio built out back to set the table and chairs on. So now it kinda looks like a dining room! I texted them this morning to make sure they were still coming tomorrow, and to see if they like lasagna. They do :-) That will definitely be easier than trying to do the pork chop dinner and having it all ready by a certain time. I figure we'll do a lasagna with TVP crumbles instead of meat, some roasted veggies or a salad, and focaccia bread. I have a recipe somewhere for a really good one, with rosemary and sea salt. TH wants to make banana pudding for dessert, and we're going to use that set of pretty crystal bowls that we found at the thrift store. It should be fun!

So, let's see...last night I ate the tortilla and the rest of the roast/veggie stuff, some pretzels, a banana, and 2 packs of oatmeal. When I got home all I ate were the gummy bears. For dinner I had a grilled cheese sandwich and about half a bowl of soup, and cooked some broccoli stir fry veggies to go with it. I brought a piece of the tortilla casserole from last night, 2 pieces of banana bread, and some fruit for tonight. I think I still have a yogurt here in the fridge, too. Yay!

They're supposed to deliver our chest freezer tomorrow! I can't wait to go through and organize everything. I'm thinking bulk meats and extra veggies in the chest freezer, and stuff we'll use right away in the little one. I'm hoping somebody has something good on sale next week so we can start stocking it :-)

I...dunno what else. No pictures or anything. I'm tired and feel like crap and wanna go home. Probably won't get too much sleep tomorrow because we have shit to do. Grrrrrrr.

Song: Muse - Panic Station. Another one I heard a while back and finally figured out what it was called. I like!

Best thing: Passed my test!

Worst thing: Bird Flu...cough cough.

Okey Dokeys then.

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