Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29

Not much going on today. Basically just went home, got TK off to school, played a game of zombies, watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad with TH, and went to bed too late. Again :-/ Got up and played a little Black Ops 2 with TK, then he made burritos for dinner. Build your own burritos, but burritos. I wasn't very hungry so I made a sandwich and a bowl with spinach leaves, some of the chicken stuff, and refried beans to bring to work. Yay.

Talked to my mom for a little bit, and she's still excited about coming this weekend. I need to make sure to get some cleaning done tomorrow so it will be all purty for her :-) I wish we had been able to get all of the extra stuff sitting around in the dining room put away, but oh well. I did tell her that we weren't completely unpacked.

Holy crap I am so freaking tired tonight. I'm thinking, for real this time, that I'm going to go home and wake TH up and go straight to bed. I know I won't get much sleep this weekend so I'd better try to get as much as I can tomorrow. Eh.

Yeah, that's all I've got. My brain is not exactly functioning at capacity right now. Snore...

Song: Chamillionaire - Evening News. I love this video!

Best thing: The guy who set up the fish tank here at work brought us a few fish! They're so cute :-)

Worst thing: Internet is being a douchebag tonight >:-(


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