Thursday, May 16, 2013

May 16

Finally Thursday! This has been a long-ass week for some reason. Dunno. I'm just glad it's almost over. It ended up raining a little bit last night but no storms or anything. Some areas further north got some bad storms, and a few tornadoes, though :-/ Scary shit. It got hot today and it's still pretty warm out there. Warm and sticky and disgusting. They're calling for highs in the 90's pretty much from here on out. I guess we're just lucky it hasn't hit 100 yet. It will before we know it, though. And I fucking hate the heat. At least now we have a nice cool house :-)

I talked to my mom last night and she's decided that her phone is finally dying and she's going to get another one. She wants an iPhone for some reason, which wouldn't be a big deal except that you have to have a monthly data plan. The phone itself is cheap because she's eligible for an upgrade but a plan is like $30 a month for 2 G of data. And if you go over they charge you out the ass for it. Sigh. She can't really afford the plan, but we're going to pay it for a while. We still owe her like $1200 because she gave us some money after the house burned down. I've tried to start paying her back a few times but she always said to wait until we got back home. And now we're home :-) We're going to give her $100 a month, but pay the data plan and give her the rest as cash. I'm not 100% sure if we can really afford it, but I guess we'll figure it out somehow.

So I went home this morning, cleaned a bunch of shit, got TK off to school, and started playing Black Ops 2. TH got up after a little bit and watched me play for a little while, then we watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad. I went to bed late again, and got up a little after 8:00. He heated up a few of these little pork riblet thingies for dinner so I brought those to work with me. While I was asleep he went through some of the stuff on the table, swept (again, even though I had done it this morning. Butthead cats), and scooped the litterboxes. Yay!!

I think we're going to get TK up in the morning and go get McDonald's coffee before school, then go to the store. TH says he wants to go too but we'll see. We only need a few things, which is good because I think we have like $70 to last til next Thursday. Need to figure out what we're cooking next week. We've got some frozen stuff and plenty of stuff to cook, so yay. We also have a buy one get one 1/2 off coupon for pizza tomorrow.

I ordered a set of popsicle molds from Amazon the other day, and they came today. Mine are yellow, though. I filled them up before I came to work. I can't wait to see how they turn out! I used lemonade in 2 of them, yogurt in 3 of them, and diet soda in the last one. I'm thinking smoothies would make good popsicles, too - just blend it all up and pour it in. Pudding, too. Oooh, I wonder how chocolate milk would do? Or iced coffee? Hmmmmm...

I'm bored again. It's busier than shit again, but I'm still bored. This stupid tournament thingie that they're having sucks, too. They have a breakfast starting at 6:45 am every day this week and last night the employees started coming in at 4:30 am. So I was basically standing outside from 4:30-6. Eh. And tomorrow morning will be the same freaking thing. Eh!

Song: Quantum Conundrum Soundtrack - Flip a Switch. So TK downloaded this game demo on the Xbox, Quantum Conundrum, and this is the theme song. I like :-) I'm...not so crazy about the game, though. I'm not the right kind of smart for games like that. It makes my brain hurt. He loves it, though.

Best thing: Popsicle molds are cool!

Worst thing: You guessed it - cramps :-(


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