Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20

So, I think Snipe has a urinary tract infection. Or something like that. He has been kinda whiny the last couple of days, and this morning he randomly started peeing on things. He's done that once or twice before, but today he did it about 6 times. And the last time, just before I came to work, I went to clean it up and his pee is kinda dark :-/ I'm going to see if I can get him in to see the vet in the morning. I just hope that's all it is and a round of antibiotics will clear it up. I don't want anything to happen to any more kitties :-(

Not much else going on. Got TK off to school and hung out with TH. Watched a few episodes of Breaking Bad then went to bed. Played some Black Ops 2 with TK when he got home then made tacos for dinner. Now I'm at work, but worried about my kitty.

There were more tornadoes in a couple of states close by today. They're talking about a chance of storms here tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night, maybe some severe stuff. Hopefully nothing bad, though.

Dunno what else. Don't really feel like writing tonight, so there you go.

Song: Capital Cities - Safe and Sound. Been hearing it on the radio and finally remembered to look it up.

Best thing: Talked to the neighbor about the broken driveway. They're gonna see about getting it fixed.

Worst thing: My kitty :-(


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