Sunday, May 26, 2013

May 26

Sunday night, Memorial Day weekend, and busier than fucking ass dog shit. Sigh. I dunno, I just feel a lot more freaking tired than it seems like I should. I kinda slept off and on all day today, which probably didn't help. Not really good sleep, but sleep. For a while I had a bed full of kitties, so that was nice. Fucked up dreams though. At one point I dreamed that we were going to this festival type thing, and I was waiting in this long ass line. Then at some point I started carrying a big case - I think it was like a tuba or some shit like that. So the line keeps moving and eventually we start going up stairs. The stairs start getting taller and further apart and the case keeps getting heavier until it's to the point that it's like stepping from one bleacher seat to another. Oh, and there's nothing in between to keep you from falling through. And we're several stories up. So I'm still trying to heft this case up these "stairs" and then suddenly TK is up there with me, and so is Snipe. We're finally almost at the top when the whole thing starts leaning and part of it collapses. I think TK made it up to the top but Snipe and I are still on the stairs. I'm trying to grab Snipe and hand him up to the people at the top but I can't quite get my hands on him. And he falls. He falls, and lands on the floor down below, and he's just lying there, not moving. I finally get up to the top and I'm going to go check on him but then I woke up. Fucked up :-/

So Friday I took TK to school. We stopped at 7-11 for hot chocolate/coffee and sat in the school parking lot until it was time for him to go in. Went by the store, then went home and watched a few Breaking Bads with TH until he left for work. Took a quick nap and got up just before it was time for TK to get home and went to pick him up at the bus stop because it was storming and pouring rain. I waited for about 30 minutes and the bus never showed up. There have been a couple of times that they had a substitute bus driver and he would drop them off on the wrong side of the neighborhood. I figured that was what happened so I went looking for either the bus or TK. I found him walking down our street, almost to the house. Luckily the rain had slacked off quite a bit but he was still soaked. Turns out that the bus driver got to the first stop in the neighborhood and decided that the wipers were fucked up, so he called for a new bus. He said they could either sit there and wait or go ahead and walk. He decided to walk. He looked like a drowned rat :-)

We hung out a little bit then I took a quick nap, then got up and ordered the pizza. TH got home and I cooked the pizza and we watched The Last Stand. It was actually pretty good! Hung out with TH til he went to bed then stayed up and played some Black Ops 2 with TK. Went to bed a little early, for a Friday night. Saturday we got up and I did a little cleaning and some laundry, then hung out for a while. TK's buddy came over around 7:00 to spend the night. TH had to go meet the other guard at the swimming pool to show him around so he didn't get home until around 8:30 or so. Hung out with him a little bit, then he went to bed and I messed around a little bit longer and then I went to bed. So yay.

TH did the swimming pool thing today, and he's doing it again tomorrow. So he's not home when I leave for work. That's only for this week, though. Starting next week he'll only be doing Friday nights. So we'll do movie night on Saturdays for a while.

Ok so I had this guy come in a little while ago, going to see his brother. I log him in and open the gate, then he says "let me ask you something..." And he starts telling me about this girl that he went out with and asking what I thought about some of the stuff she did and said and all kinds of stuff. I wanted to be like, dude if you're looking for a female perspective on that shit, you've got the wrong female. XD But instead I smiled and nodded and all that shit. It was just weird, was all.

Dunno what else. I did take a funny picture of Naga earlier tonight. She was standing there looking so cute, and I went *click* and it...didn't quite turn out the way I expected, lol.

This is awesome. I couldn't have got this shot if I had tried 100 times!

Moose and Stupid (who is feeling much better, by the way)! We tried to feed them a gummy shark but they just weren't interested, lol.

Song: Nelly Furtado - Turn Off the Lights. An older one, but catchy.

Best thing: Weighed myself Friday. 395.6! That's down 12.6 pounds in just over a month. And now that I've quit drinking 22 points worth of vodka per day (eek!) and started using the tracker thingie, it should go faster!!

Worst thing: Stupid holiday weekend and busy shit >:-(


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