Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1

I am so freaking tired tonight. The other guy at work called in sick so I came in 2 hours early tonight. After as busy as it was last night and the extra time tonight standing outside, my feet are killing me. But at least it's Wednesday so only one more night to go. And hey, it's overtime. Actually since today is New Year's Day, it should be overtime and holiday pay. Sweet!

Got home this morning and TH was awake so I hung out with him for a little bit and went to bed. Got up around 3:00 and we stuffed the sausages! It was...interesting, lol. TH did the feeding it into the mixer part and I controlled it as it was coming off of the tube. We had a little trouble with the meat sticking to everything as it went down into the grinder, and we couldn't really figure out how to twist them into individual links so that they would stay separated. Other than that though, it's sausage! And it looks awesome :-) I think it's just going to take a little practice. We had just a little meat left over so we fried it up as patties and it tastes good, too! Definitely not bad for our first try. Finished that up and took a shower, then hung out with TH and TK until time to come to work. Early. Yuck. TK's buddy is spending the night again tonight and he showed up right before I left. And when I left they were in the game room playing video games. So TK's wrist is much better than it was even earlier today :-)

There's supposed to be a front coming through tonight that is going to make it cold and freaking windy by in the morning. It feels like the wind is already picking up but hopefully the traffic will slow down pretty soon so I don't absolutely freeze my ass off. The cold doesn't usually bother me much but I've noticed that it does a lot more when I'm tired. Kinda weird. Plus the wind can just suck it. It's always worse when it's windy :-/

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 chocolate peanut butter bites and some coconut roasted almonds. 7 net carbs. Lunch before work - 3 servings frozen buffalo wings and dressing. 13 net carbs. Dinner at work - 2 jalapeno cheddar sausage links, and if I get hungry I have some sausage and eggs I can heat up later. So 4-8 net carbs. That would be a total of 24-28 so I did go over a little. Not too bad though - I've heard a lot of people shoot for less than 30 per day.

Song: Meredith Brooks - Bitch. Random shuffle today.

Best thing: TK's still healing up!

Worst thing: Sooooo tired and my feet hurt :-/


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