Thursday, January 23, 2014

January 23

Holy fuckballs. I mean, holy fucking fuckballs. So I don't know if it has ever actually snowed yet, but we have had sleet and freezing rain since about 7 pm. That mixed with a temperature of 27 degrees (and don't forget the windchill of 17!!!!) means that the roads are absolutely fucked. I left for work about 30 minutes early and I still got here almost 2 hours late. Yeah. It took me THREE FUCKING HOURS to get to work tonight. I got stuck on one highway for almost an hour because it was iced over and they were making everyone exit, but still fucking letting people get on the onramps!!! WTF guys? Got past that and was cruising along doing fine when I ran across another bridge that was closed because someone had spun out on the ice there. Sat there for fucking ever until a cop came along and started turning people around to go a different way. I finally ended up going the long way around, past where TH works, and didn't really have any other problems. I hit a few slick spots but it wasn't too bad. I had to drive across one big bridge over the river by the dam that I know was closed earlier tonight but luckily the trucks had been there to sand it. So I'm finally here, and I lost 2 hours of pay that I can't make up because this weeks pay period ended at midnight. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I seriously need a drink now, lol.

Annnnnnd, the temperature is still dropping, it's still sleeting and shit, so now we'll see if my boss is going to be able to make it in the morning :-/ If not, I'm here until he does. I think it's supposed to warm up once the sun comes out so at least everything should melt pretty quickly. TK's school decided to just go ahead and cancel, so that's cool. More time to play! I think his buddy is going to spend the night tomorrow night so that should be fun.

So anyway...last night I found a keto chili recipe that sounded good so I stopped by Randall's on my way home for some tomato sauce and stuff. I didn't have any ground beef so I used a couple of packages of chorizo that we had and a few cups of TVP crumbles. I let it cook all day in the crockpot and it ended up being really spicy and good! TH was at work when I got home so I got TK off to school and just kinda hung out and watched a few episodes of South Park. Went to bed around 11:00 and got up at 6:00. Ate dinner and just kinda hung out with TH and TK for a while and left for work early. And...yeah, you know what happened next >:-(

Other than that not really much going on. I'm glad it's Thursday night! The other guy at work is taking off next week and I volunteered to work his Friday and/or Saturday nights if they can't get it covered. We still haven't heard anything from the big boss yet though. I mean, I don't really want to work 12 days in  row, but it would be some serious fucking overtime. We'll see what happens.

Bonus picture!! I'm still not sure if it's sleet or snow, but there's crunchy white stuff all over the ground outside :-)

Snow? Sleet? Sneet? (lol)

Noms for the day: Pork rinds and dip for breakfast - maybe 8 or so? Chili for dinner - maybe another 8. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I still have tuna here at work. I think it's no more than 3, probably.

Song: Halo Reach OST: The Pillar of Autumn Suite. The music that plays during the Halo: Reach level The Pillar of Autumn.

Best thing: I didn't get squished on the way to work!!

Worst thing: Three. Fucking. Hours. to get to work >:-(


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