Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13

I slept better today so I'm not nearly as tired tonight. Got home this morning, woke TH up, and went to bed early. He got up and got TK off to school and actually cleaned up the kitchen before he went to work! I got up a little bit after TK got home and we played Minecraft for a while. We started working on the inside of our castle. It's looking awesome :-) TH got home and we had leftover chicken stuff for dinner. And now I'm at work. It's a little cooler tonight than it was last night. Still not super busy yet either. All of the kids went back to school so it has calmed down around here a little bit. That's always good!

Noms for the day: 2 pieces of cheese before I went to bed. Some cheese, almonds, and a flax bun when I got up. 3 or so net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work. 2 net carbs. When I get hungry later I have the leftover chicken stuff. No more than 10 or so, probably.

Song: Rage Against the Machine - Testify. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Got my copy of Beautiful Katamari in the mail today! I was going to buy it for my birthday from the Xbox store while it was on sale for $10 but I missed the sale. It's normally $20. Found it on Ebay for $12 with free shipping :-)

Worst thing: Still feeling kinda crappy :-/


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