Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26

Sunday night, again. And since we still haven't found out who's covering the other guy's vacation this week, this is either day 1 of 5, or day 1 of 12. Yay? :-/ It was pretty warm today, almost 80 in most places, but there's another cold front coming through late tonight or early tomorrow that's going to drop it back down into the 30s for a couple of days. And the best part? There's another decent chance for sleet and ice and shit Monday night/Tuesday morning. Fucking wonderful >:-( By the time I finally made it home Friday morning I told TH that if I never had to drive in fucking ice again it would be too soon. My boss managed to get here pretty close to on time because he didn't run into any traffic. I left work about 30 minutes late and it took almost an hour and a half to get home. I lost count of how many cars I passed that had slid off in the ditches. But I made it here and back, in one piece! I'm actually kinda proud of myself for that, lol.

So I finally got home Friday, hung out with TH and TK for a while (because school was cancelled) and took a nap. TH went to work and TK's buddy came over early so they hung out all day. Got up and messed with them for a little while and made some rice to go with dinner. TH got home and we had chili nachos and watched another Fast and the Furious movie. TH went to bed and I hung out with TK and his buddy for a while playing some Black Ops 2.

Saturday we slept kinda late, got up and did some laundry and cleaning, and after TK's buddy went home we went to feed the ducks. Stopped by Sprouts for a couple of things, got home, and did a little target shooting in the back yard. At about 6:30 I realized that we didn't have another frozen pizza so TK and I ran to HEB really quick for frozen pizza and wings. Got home and cooked everything, then when TH got home we watched Frozen. I didn't realize it was kind of a musical but it was cute. TH went to bed and TK and I hung out for a while and played a little bit.

Sunday I slept pretty late, got up and watched TK play some Pixelmon, then just kinda hung out until TH got home. He ate some leftovers for dinner and went to bed kinda early. Now I'm at work. Somebody at his site called in sick again so tomorrow instead of working 2:30-7:00 he's going to go in at 10:00 and either work til 4:00 or stay til 7:00. He doesn't know yet. And if the weather gets all nasty like it's supposed to I should probably try to leave pretty freaking early tomorrow night. Sigh.

Bonus picture: We got our first Eevee on Saturday!! It's so freaking cute I can't stand it!!! I think we're supposed to get the second one Monday, so we can quit fighting over this one :-)


Noms for the weekend: Yeah, no. I blew it this weekend. And now I'm paying for it :-/

Song: Barenaked Ladies - Too Little Too Late. Random shuffle.

Best thing: EEVEE!!!!!

Worst thing: Stomach cramps and...digestive issues :-/


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