Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22

Wednesday night. It's not too cold out yet but by the time I leave in the morning it will be cold and windy. And, they're still calling for a chance of freezing rain or snow late tomorrow evening and overnight. Possibly even by the time I'll be headed to work. So that could get interesting :-/ TH is supposed to be off tomorrow but his boss called and asked him to work 06:00-14:00 so he'll be gone by the time I get home. I'm kinda thinking about taking TK to school in the morning and going by HEB for a couple of things so I don't have to try and do it Friday. Dunno yet.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and played a little Black Ops 2 until TH woke up. We made some breakfast and since there was no new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. we just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed not too terribly late and got up at 6:00. TH made two more batches of the flax buns while I was asleep :-) I used the leftover chicken to make some buffalo chicken soup for dinner. I subbed cream cheese for the flour to keep it keto. It was really good!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, a flax bun, and shredded cheese. 4 or so net carbs. Lunch before I left - buffalo chicken soup. I think I figured it at around 7 per serving. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought some pork rinds and tuna with me.

Song: Japandroids - The House That Heaven Built. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Good sleep again today.

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.


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