Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27

It's cold, windy, wet, and gross outside. And the temperature has dropped enough that some areas are starting to ice over. TK's school has already announced a 2 hour delay for tomorrow. I guess though if it does get really bad they'll probably end up cancelling again. I wouldn't mind him staying home but I hope it doesn't get too bad because I'm going to have to try to drive home in this shit in the morning. Sigh. I guess we'll see what happens.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and went to bed. TH went to work at 10 and ended up staying until 7:00. I think he's going to do the same thing tomorrow. Got up when TK got home and we played a little Minecraft. TH got home and we had leftover buffalo chicken soup for dinner and just kinda hung out until it was time for me to come to work. If I'm tired in the morning I can just go on to bed when I get home and TH can get TK off to school before he leaves for work :-) Assuming there is school, of course. If not, we can stay home and play COD Ghosts because the new map pack comes out tomorrow! It looks awesome :-)

Noms for the day: Uh, nope. Not quite yet :-/

Song: Broken Bells - Holding on for Life. Another new one.

Best thing: It wasn't icy on my way to work, at least!

Worst thing: Cramps :-(


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