Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6

Well I'm just off to a great start, huh? I forget exactly why I ended up not writing Thursday night. It seems like it was still pretty busy, and then I spent a couple of hours playing Garry's Mod with TK so I guess that was it. Dunno. So I went home Friday morning and took a quick nap while everyone was still asleep, then got up and we all went to Sam's. Got home and ate some lunch then TH went to work and TK and I went by HEB for a few things and went to feed the ducks. So that was fun :-) Got home and played a little until TH got home, then made nachos for dinner (pork rind nachos for me) and watched another Fast and the Furious movie. I was pretty tired so I went to bed when TH did.

Saturday we got up fairly early and I did some cleaning and started the laundry. We took down all of the Christmas decorations and packed them up. We did leave the lights around the dining room window, though. Cause why not, lol. TK helped me make some keto brownies because it was my birthday! Yay :-) We just kinda hung out and played until TH got home. I made a frozen pizza for them, I had pork rind pizza nachos, and we finished watching another one of the Fast and the Furious movies. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing Minecraft and stuff.

Sunday we slept kinda late and basically just hung out all day. We played some Minecraft and Ghosts and...I forget what else. So that was fun. I made chicken stuff for dinner when TH got home then hung out with him until it was time to go to work. And it was windy and fucking ass cold! By the time I left to go home Monday morning it was like 19, with a wind chill of 7!! Crazy. I think it's supposed to be a little colder tonight but at least the wind isn't blowing like it was last night. And of course, TK goes back to school in the morning. He is not looking forward to that, lol.

So I got to work last night (Sunday) and it was pretty quiet for the first couple of hours. And then it got exciting. It would probably be easiest to just copy what I wrote in my incident report, so here goes:

On Monday, January 6th at approximately 00:17 and 00:20, XXXXXXX County Sheriff vehicles XXXX and XXXX entered through the guest lane, without giving any information as to their destination. Approximately five minutes later a grey XXXXXX truck, license plate XXXXXXX, attempted to leave the property through the exit gate, followed by the two sheriff’s vehicles. The truck struck the exit gate, knocking off one gate arm and destroying the gate mechanism on the side farthest from the gatehouse. It then stopped, reversed into one of the police cars, and continued driving erratically and trying to escape, running over several curbs in the process before finally coming to a stop between a small tree and the rock wall next to the flagpole. Several minutes later six additional sheriff’s cars arrived on the scene, stopping outside the exit gate and blocking it. By this time the driver of the car had been apprehended. At approximately 00:35 XXXX Fire Department #XXXX entered the property and at 00:44 XXXX County EMS arrived on scene. Because the emergency vehicles were blocking the exit I placed cones in front of the exit lane to reroute exiting traffic through the entry side of the building. I contacted Site Supervisor XXXXXXX by phone at 00:37 to advise him of the incident.
At approximately 01:00 residents XXXXXXXXX arrived at the gatehouse and informed me that the driver in the incident was a visitor to their residence. They asked if it would be possible to ensure that person would no longer be allowed entry. I explained that per HOA, without a restraining order it was not possible to deny someone entry and suggested that they contact HOA for further information.
At approximately 02:12 a tow truck with XXXX Towing, license plate XXXX, entered to tow away the XXXX truck.
By 02:45 all emergency vehicles had departed and the scene was clear. I was then able to move the cones and reopen the exit lane to vehicle traffic. The remaining gate arm is stuck in the upright position at this time and the breaker controlling the gate is off. The damage appears to be confined to the exit gate itself and some of the landscaping along the rock wall by the flagpole.
Incident # per XXXX Sheriff's Office – XXXX. A deputy also said that if more information is needed, we can contact the Sheriff’s Department.

So, yeah. That was my excitement for the week, hopefully. That makes the second police chase that I have seen here at work! Another deputy came through earlier tonight wanting to see the damage. He said that it turns out the guy was drunk and on 'shrooms. Fun stuff, lol.
This morning I got home and went to bed pretty early. We decided yesterday that we needed to go ahead and take Moose to the vet because he has a cut or something behind his ear that looked kinda nasty. They don't open for appointments until 9:00 so TH took him when he got up. Apparently a little scratch behind his ear had developed into an abscess and it had burst open. Ewww :-/ The vet said he could either clean it out and try to stitch it up, or just give him a shot of antibiotics and steroids and just let it heal on its own. He actually recommended letting it heal on its own! I love this vet :-) I slept until around 4:00. When I got up I started another load of laundry and tried to hem another pair of pants for TK but the sewing machine kept fucking up. I bought them to work with me so maybe I'll have a chance to finish them tonight. If not, he can still wear his old ones. They're just a little short, lol. TH got home and I made some more chicken stuff for dinner. And now I'm at work. So far it's been pretty quiet. I have had a couple of cops who heard about last night come by to check out the damage. It's kinda funny, lol.
Hmmmm. I dunno what else. I'm still sticking to the keto thing, even though we still have Christmas cookies and shit here at work. Oh and earlier one of the residents dropped off a tray of fucking cinnamon rolls. Sigh. I'm tough, though :-)
Song: Arcade Fire - Black Mirror. Random shuffle again.
Best thing: Got Moose to the vet and he's looking better already!
Worst thing: Did a lot of standing and walking last night so my feet are kinda sore :-/

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