Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14

Not much going on today. It's a little cool and windy as hell out there tonight. I think it's gonna end up being more than a little cool by in the morning if this keeps up. I don't mind the cold but the wind freaking sucks :-/

So this morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home because we needed eggs and apples. They had their peppermint and caramel whipped creams marked down half off. They were also on sale buy one get one free so somehow I ended up getting both of them free. Score :-) Got home a little late and TH had already woken TK up. He left for school and I hung out with TH for a while then went to bed. Got up when TK got home and we played a little Minecraft. I made some chicken fajita skillet stuff for dinner. And now I'm at work. I think we're supposed to get a new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tonight so I'll probably stay up and watch that with TH in the morning.

Noms for the day: Breakfast: Tea and a toasted flax bun with peanut butter. 5 or so net carbs. Lunch when I got up - 2 flax buns with cheese and lunch meat. Another 5 or so net carbs. Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. When I get hungry later I have the chicken fajita stuff that I made tonight. Probably 7-8 or so. Still doing good!

Song: Fort Minor - Remember the Name. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Free whipped creams!

Worst thing: Windy as fuck out there tonight.


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