Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12

Sunday night, back at work. Sigh. The weekends are just way too freaking short :-( Ended up not really doing much either. Friday I got home and TH was up so I went to bed early and took a nap. He woke me up around 10:00 and we made a couple of batches of the flax buns that I mentioned last week. They're awesome! They ended up being a little smaller but a little thicker than the ones in the recipe because we used a different pan. They fit a sausage patty nicely though, and they're thick enough to slice one in half and use it as a bun. I likes! So we messed around with that, made some breakfast, and then TH went to work. I just kinda hung out until TK got home and we played some Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft for a while. I made a frozen pizza for them and tried out a new flax meal pizza crust for me. It was good! TH got home and we watched Pain and Gain for movie night. It actually ended up being pretty good. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing Minecraft.

Saturday we slept kinda late then did some laundry, cleaning, blah blah blah. We basically just kinda hung out and played some video games until time for TH to get home. TH and TK had burgers and mashed potatoes for dinner and I nuked some frozen wings. We watched The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. It wasn't the best copy but it was good enough to see what was going on. I liked it but I wasn't crazy about the ending. I was kinda tired so I went to bed when TH did.

Sunday I slept late again and we pretty much just hung out all day again. We played some more Minecraft and worked on our little city. Right now we're working on a castle, surrounded by a lava moat :-) I made some chicken and veggie skillet stuff for dinner when TH got home. And now I'm at work.

TH went to bed early tonight so if I'm tired when I get home I may wake him up and go on to bed. Dunno. Seems like I shouldn't be this tired but I am. Maybe it's the cedar, or something. I don't normally have allergies but right now the cedar is so fucking high it's about to kill everyone :-/

Noms: Stuck to keto all weekend!!

Song: Linkin Park, The Executioners - It's Goin Down. Another new one.

Best thing: We managed to win two auctions for a plush Pokemon Eevee on Friday night! I think we ended up paying like $6.00 for one and $8.00 for the other, both with free shipping :-)

Worst thing: Just feeling tired and eh :-(


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