Tuesday, January 28, 2014

January 28

Holy crap. Let's see...where do I start? Last night at work my cop buddy came by after the sleet and stuff had stopped. He said he had been out driving around checking out roads and everything looked good. Sweet. About an hour later though, a whole new band of sleet and freezing rain moved through and fucked the roads all to hell. TK's school had already announced a 2 hour delay but by the time I slid my way home I decided to just keep him home. Fuck it, the roads were just too bad. And at about 8:30 this morning, after there had already been like 100 accidents, school decided to just go ahead and cancel. Fucking dumbasses. But I made it home in one piece again, yay!! And hopefully that will be the last of the icy shit until next winter, at the earliest.

So I got home this morning, woke TK up, and started downloading the new map pack for COD Ghosts. Made some breakfast and hung out with TH until he got ready to go to work then played some Ghosts with TK. I like the new maps! I didn't get to bed until after 11:00 so I'm kinda tired tonight. Got up and made some sausage and roasted cauliflower for dinner. Now I'm at work.

TH is supposed to be off tomorrow but somebody is still out sick so he's going to work from 10 am-4 pm. I need to try to go to bed as early as I can in the morning because I told my boss I would come in early tomorrow night to help cover the guy who is on vacation. The big boss finally decided that he doesn't have anyone who can work so he needs us to cover it. Sooo much notice I don't think I can handle it /s. So I'm splitting tomorrow with my boss (which means a 12 hour shift) and working Friday night and Saturday night. Sigh. That means I'm on day 3 of 12!! Double sigh. At least it will be a hell of a paycheck, though :-)

Noms for the day: Yay! Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. 3 net carbs. Lunch - 3 sausage links and roasted cauliflower. 6 or so, maybe? Iced coffee on the way to work - 2 net carbs. If I get hungry later I brought 2 more sausage links and some cocoa/cream cheesey type stuff :-)

Song: Idina Menzel - Let it Go (From the movie Frozen). I likes!!

Best thing: Didn't get squished on my way home this morning!!

Worst thing: Cramps, still :-(

Yep yep yep.

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