Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30

It is raining. I mean, holy fuck it is raining. It started earlier this afternoon and by the time I left for work it was raining so hard I could barely see to drive. I'm sitting here at work listening to the police scanner. They're closing low water crossings and intersections, and they've got Starflight out there fishing people out of their cars and shit. There's one neighborhood where they've had to start evacuating people because of the rain. So holy shit :-/ It's supposed to keep it up through mid-day or so tomorrow but then clear out for tomorrow night. So yay!

So I got TK off to school this morning and then took Snipe to the vet. We decided to check out a new one that is right here by the house. I thought they opened at 7:30 but apparently it's drop off only that early and the doctor doesn't get there until 9:00. They're walk-in only so I went ahead and checked in so I would be first in line at 9:00 then went back home for a while. Went back at 9:00 and got him checked out. Turns out that he has some kind of infection from that scratch or whatever it is on his leg. He has a little fever and it's still pretty swollen. The vet gave him a shot to help with the fever and swelling and a 2 week antibiotic shot (like the one he got when he had that UTI) that should knock it out. She said we might start seeing improvement by tomorrow. So I really hope so :-/ When we got home he went outside for a while and fell asleep behind the trash can outside. TH said once it started raining he came in and pretty much just slept in a box in the living room the rest of the day. I guess the meds made him sleepy?

I got home and TH made some breakfast and we watched the next Resident Evil movie. I went to bed later than I probably should have and got up at 8:00. TH made dinner too! Sliced sausage with roasted squash and zucchini. I wasn't hungry so I brought some to work with me. Nom nom nom.

I have to go get my oil changed in the morning so I'll probably drop TK off at the bus stop and go do that. I want to go by Walmart and see if they have those monster rolls of summer sausages that they always seem to have around the holidays. We need a handful of things too so probably get those tomorrow since I don't really want to get out Friday if I don't have to. Maybe TH will get up with TK so I can sleeeeeeep, lol. I've decided that I'm going to eat some of the vodka gummy bears tomorrow night so I'll probably be alcohol and sugar hungover Friday morning. Should be worth it though. We're thinking about getting a couple of pizzas and seeing if TK's buddies want to come over for dinner before they go out trick-or-treating. My neighbor buddy said today that she should be coming over, and my buddy at work might come over when he gets off at 10:00. It should be fun!

Hmmm. What else? It's weird because it's Wednesday but it feels like Thursday because I'm off tomorrow. It's a good kind of weird, though.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - serving of cocoa almonds before I took Snipe to the vet, 2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, shredded cheese, and an avocado after I got home - about 6 net carbs. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Lunch at work - sausage, squash, and zucchini. Probably 8 or so. Dinner if I get hungry - leftover tuna from last night. 2 at the most. Still doing good!

Song: MS MR - Hurricane. Another new one.

Best thing: Found a vet I really like!

Worst thing: Baby Snipe still all sick :-(


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