Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22

So I just realized that yesterday made 200 posts on here. Yay? Yay, lol. I'm feeling a little better tonight, still crappy but not as bad as yesterday. I got TK off to school this morning, grabbed a quick snack and a cup of tea, and went to bed kinda early. I woke up when TK got home and we played a little zombies and some Minecraft. TH got home and I made this buffalo chicken dip for dinner. Only, I didn't have any chicken thawed out so I used some shredded pork roast. It was good, though!

Hiccup seems to be doing fine! His tail hasn't bled any more and he's not acting like it hurts him or anything. He and Moose have slept with me for the last few days. It does seem like he's spending a little more time in the house, though. I still wonder what happened :-/

When I got to work one of the gates was fucking up so we had to mess with that for a while. That was fun. Seems like we can't go more than a few weeks without something fucking up around here >:-(

Don't really know what else. TH got the other half of his student loan money, so we can get caught up on some bills! We cancelled the DVD portion of Netflix and just kept the streaming since it's like $8 a month. So that saves a little money there. I'm trying to decide if the keto thing makes buying groceries actually cost more, or less. I know when we do a big stockup at Sam's it's like, $200 or so. But then that lasts 3 or 4 weeks on some stuff. And we're cooking more now. It definitely helps too that we're not buying prepackaged junky type stuff any more. So I dunno.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 5 slices bacon and 3 ounces of cheese. 1 net carb. Snack when I woke up - 2 servings spicy peanuts. 6 net carbs. Dinner before work - buffalo chicken (pork) dip and pork rinds. No more than 10, I'm sure. I still need to figure it up. Iced coffee on the way to work - 1 net carb. If I get hungry later either a can of tuna or vienna sausages. So 0 or 2.5. Still under 20!

Song: Arcade Fire - Reflektor. Another new one. I wasn't too sure about this one at first but it's growing on me.

Best thing: Hiccup seems to be ok!

Worst thing: Bird flu. Urk...blah.


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