Sunday, November 3, 2013

November 3

Oh fuuuuuck. I was so not ready to come back to work tonight. It was a good weekend, though! Thursday I went home and got TK off to school, dropped my car off to get the oil changed, then TH and I went out and messed around for a while. We went by Salvation Army to see if they had a good headboard, looked at a couple of dollar stores, and went to Walmart for some stuff that we needed. Stopped by Papa Murphy's on the way home and picked up a couple of pizzas for that night. Got home and watched a movie until TK got home, then played a little Black Ops 2 with him until it started getting dark. TK left to go find his buddies and TH and I sat outside eating vodka gummy bears and handing out candy. It was fun :-) We actually ran out of candy! TK got home and the neighbor came by for a little while.  My buddy from work ended up having to work so he didn't come over. After she left we started watching a movie but gave up halfway through and went to bed.

TK begged to stay home from school Friday so we let him since we were up so late Thursday night. Yeah, that was probably bad :-P We all slept kinda late Friday morning then I hung out with TH til he had to leave for work. TK and I played some Minecraft and Black Ops 2 and just kinda hung out while he was gone. He got home and we had leftover pizza for dinner and watched the last Resident Evil movie. He went to bed and I stayed up a little later playing with TK.

Saturday we slept pretty late again. Got up and did a little cleaning and started the laundry then TK and I played some Black Ops 2 and just kinda hung out for a while. I started the campaign on Borderlands 2. So far I like it! TK's buddy came over so I hung out with them until TH got home, then we had wings for dinner and watched Empire State. It was pretty good! TH fell asleep on the couch so I left him there and went to bed. He finally came to bed a few hours later, lol.

Daylight savings time ended Sunday morning so TH got to sleep an extra hour. Yay! He got up to go to work and it was cold out - like 40 degrees! I decided to walk out with him to see how cold it felt and to check on Snipe. I had been checking up on him at night when I woke up to go pee or whatever. So we headed into the living room and there was...something all over the carpet. I thought someone had yakked but we got to looking and it looked bloody. Yep - he managed to pop the scratch on his hurt foot open. And it was fucking nasty :-/ We got ahold of him and wrapped it up with gauze and tape to try and contain the mess and I cleaned up the carpet and tile. Seriously disgusting. TH left for work and I just stayed up and messed around on my computer until TK's buddy went home. I finished the laundry and we played some Minecraft for a while then I took a short nap. Now I'm at work. Sigh.

So I'm pretty sure Snipe is going to be just fine! The whole time he felt bad he was mostly just sleeping in his box and just getting up to eat or drink and stuff. Thursday night we were sitting out on the porch with the door open and he wanted to see what was going on out there. He came out and sat on the porch for a while, then sat out in the yard watching the trick or treaters. We noticed Friday and Saturday he was spending more and more time out wandering around. Today after his foot drained some (ew) it looks a lot less swollen and he's actually trying to run around some and do his little somersault thing when you pet him. He is obviously feeling much, much better :-)

Dunno what else, really. I think it's supposed to start raining again Monday and Tuesday, but nothing like the flooding that we had last week. There are some areas of town that are still cleaning up :-/ COD Ghosts comes out Tuesday! I'm going to have to try to go to bed early so I can pick TK up after school and go get it. We did end up getting the hardened edition, which is a little more expensive but it comes with some extra shit. I told TK that this is his birthday present, lol. His birthday is the 16th.

Noms for the weekend: I stuck with mostly keto stuff. Between Thursday and Friday I ate like 6 pieces of pizza, some chocolate chip cookies, and some vodka gummy bears. I've been back on it hardcore since Saturday so if I'm not back in ketosis I should be by tomorrow or so. Eh, it was worth it :-)

Song: Green Day - Holiday. Random shuffle.

Best thing: FUN!!!

Worst thing: Nasty mess this morning :-/

Yep yep yep.

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