Sunday, October 13, 2013

October 13

It rained this weekend. Like, holy shit seriously rained. Actually Friday and Saturday it just kinda sprinkled off and on all day but Saturday night it started raining and stormed all night. They said that some parts of the city got as much as 12 inches overnight! Crazy. There were road closures and stuff all over town. They even ended up cancelling the last day of that music festival because it flooded the park where it was being held. I think there's still a decent chance of rain all this next week, too. Wonder if this means our drought might be over?

So Friday I went home and got TK off to school, then when TH woke up we went to check out Trader Joe's. It was kinda neat. I found almond meal for $4.99/lb. It's usually like $8/lb everywhere else. They also had jars of unsweetened natural peanut butter for about $2.79, which is really cheap. Other than that though, there didn't seem to be too much that would make it worth going out of the way to go there. I'm kinda disappointed :-/ We went by Sam's and picked up some stuff that we needed, and while we were there we happened to walk past the cell phone display. They had a 16 gig iPhone 4S on sale for $.96 so we decided to upgrade TK from the 3GS he had been using. He was pretty excited when we gave it to him that night :-) We got home and ate some lunch, then TH went to work and I played around with TK's new phone getting it all set up and everything. TK got home from school and we played a little Black Ops 2 and some Minecraft until TH got home, then hung out with him for a while. I hadn't taken a nap so I went to bed pretty much when TH did.

Saturday we didn't sleep too late. We still needed to go to HEB for a few things so we decided to go running around for a while. We went by a couple of Targets looking for the new Mega Bloks Call of Duty sets but still didn't find any. We stopped at Gamestop and upgraded our COD Ghosts preorder from the regular edition, which is just the game itself, to the Hardened edition, which is the game, some DLC weapon skins and emblems and stuff like that, a bracelet, a few other little things that I forget, and the Season Pass which basically prepays for the 4 map packs that will come out later. Just like in Black Ops 2. It's actually a pretty good deal because the hardened edition is $60 more, but the Season Pass by itself cost $60. So basically all of the other goodies are just like, bonus :-) So anyway, we did that, then stopped by HEB and got the stuff we needed. By the time we got home it was almost time to start making pizzas so we just kinda hung out for a while. I cooked frozen pizzas for TH and TK and made the cream cheese crust pizza for me. It was nom :-) TH got home and we watched Pacific Rim. I had heard that it was good, and I had heard that it sucked, but I liked it. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while watching some Transformers Prime. And of course, it stormed its ass off all night.

Sunday I slept pretty late then got up and made some breakfast. TK and I just kinda hung out all day because apparently the storm knocked out the internet so we couldn't get on Xbox live. Bastards. We watched a few more Transformers Primes until TH got home then just kinda hung out with him until it was time for me to go to work.

TK is out of school tomorrow for the holiday (Columbus Day) so I might just go home and go to bed early since I don't have to worry about waking him up. We were talking about fixing breakfast but if I'm asleep TH and TK can have breakfast by themselves, lol. I need to figure out what to make for dinner tomorrow night. I bought a spaghetti squash Friday at Trader Joe's (my first one ever!) and Saturday I cooked some chicken thighs in the crockpot so I might do like a chicken spaghetti alfredo type...thingie. Dunno, lol.

Noms for the weekend: Um, stuff. Pretty sure I kept it around 20 every day, though. Leftover hamburgers Friday night, pizza Saturday, leftover pizza and tuna salad Sunday. I did make a flourless chocolate cake-in-a-bowl type thing Saturday night that was freaking awesome. Chocolate :-)

Song: Divine Fits - Ain't That the Way. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Finally dropped another pound! I had been stuck for like a week. Then again, it was shark week and that does fuck me up some.

Worst thing: Stupid internet >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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