Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 8

Bored tonight. Kinda tired, too. Dunno why. Well, maybe not tired, really. Sleepy. I drank my iced coffee earlier so it should kick in pretty soon, lol. Not too much going on again today. Went home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a while, and went to bed. I woke up when TK got home but he brought a couple of buddies home with him so I just went back to sleep for a while. Got up and made a pork chop and broccoli stir fry type thing with alfredo sauce for dinner. Nom :-)

So, I have worked security at the site I'm at now for just over 5 years. Kinda depressing, I guess :-/ Anyway, when I got hired on here it paid $10/hour, and they pretty much told me that there had never been a raise out here so don't count on one. They were right. Every year the security company negotiates a new contract with the client, and yep we've never gotten a raise. So this year we decided to actually ask for one. We've written up a little proposal and everything. But now our boss at the security company wants to know how much we're asking for. And we have no idea how much to ask for! I think we've decided to ask for $2.00 or $2.50. Sigh. That sounds like a lot, and it kinda is all at once. But if we had been getting a raise every year like most people do we would probably be making that much by now. Dunno. A raise would be fucking awesome! I'm not holding my breath for anything though.

Noms for the day: Wasn't hungry this morning before I went to bed so nothing then. 2 cheese sticks when I woke up - 0 net carbs. Lunch - pork chops with broccoli and alfredo sauce. 9 net carbs. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Dinner if I get hungry later - the salad I didn't eat last night :-) 8 net carbs. Maybe even some almonds later. So below 20 for the day. Yay!

Song: Saliva - Click Click Boom. Found this song the other day and now I have downloaded every Saliva song I could find :-)

Best thing: TH stopped on his way to work and renewed my registration :-)

Worst thing: Cramps :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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