Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October 29

One of my oldest nieces (she's a twin) had her second baby this morning! She has a little girl who is not quite a year old, and now a little boy. They sent pictures - he's cute! But man, she's gonna have her hands full! These are my brother's kids. I'm trying to remember exactly...I think my oldest nephew is 22, she and her sister will be 21 next month, my youngest niece is 18 or 19, and my youngest nephew is 14. He's like, 2 months older than TK. Wow, lol.

So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, then TH and I made breakfast and watched the second Resident Evil movie. I went to bed later than I probably should have and woke up a little bit after TK got home. We played some Black Ops 2 until TH got home, then hung out with him until it was time to go to work. I didn't cook dinner, we just kinda scrounged. It worked though :-)

Snipe is still limping around and his foot is still swollen so I'm going to take him to the vet in the morning. If it's just like, a sprained ankle or something there might not be much they can do, but it will make me feel better to get him checked out. I told TH that this way they could at least poke around on him and see what's going on so we don't have to. He has the most pitiful little face when we try to take a look at it :-/

It's supposed to start raining some time in the morning (probably about the time I'm trying to head home) and rain pretty much all day and straight through to mid-day Thursday. They're talking a serious rain thingie, like a few weeks ago when we got like, 12 inches. Should be interesting!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 eggs, 2 sausage patties, shredded cheese, and an avocado. 4 or so net carbs. Iced coffee - 1 net carb. Lunch at work - 4 ham and cheese rollups and 3 pickles. 6 or so net carbs (damn pickles!). Dinner if I get hungry later - Pork rinds dipped in tuna with mayo, relish, and shredded cheese. Probably 3 net carbs. Yay!

Song: Paramore - Misery Business. Random shuffle.

Best thing: New little baby nephew! (Great-nephew? Dunno)

Worst thing: Poor Baby Stupid :-(


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