Sunday, October 27, 2013

October 27

Kind of a blah weekend :-/ Got TK off to school Friday and went to HEB, then when TH got up we went to Sam's. He left for work and I took a quick nap until TK got home. We played some Black Ops 2 until TH got home then watched The Heat. It was pretty funny! TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a little while.

Saturday we slept pretty late and had planned on running around a little bit but I just didn't feel like it. We played a little Minecraft then I made pizzas before TH got home. We watched the first Resident Evil movie again. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a little longer then I went to bed. I didn't sleep very well though - I kept waking up for some reason. It stormed for a while and most of the kitties came in to sleep with us. They're not crazy about storms either.

Sunday I slept pretty late again then TK and I played some Black Ops 2 until TH got home. I took a shower and hung out with him til it was time to come to work. Sigh. Dunno why I started feeling so crappy again. Friday I thought I was almost over it but now I'm back to feeling like dogshit :-/ TH went to bed early tonight so if I'm tired in the morning I may wake him up to get TK off to school and go to bed early.

So Snipe did something to his front leg. We noticed Friday that he was limping, and it looks like he has either a bite or a scratch on the back of his leg down by his ankle. It's also pretty swollen. He doesn't seem to feel bad and he doesn't have a fever or anything, so I don't know if maybe he sprained it or what. He's kinda staying off of it some, and sleeping a little more than he normally does, but he still goes outside and tries to run around on it. So I dunno what's wrong. I tried to put an ice pack on it earlier tonight and that lasted for like, 5 minutes. He didn't like the cold, lol. I'm hoping it will heal up pretty quickly or I guess we'll have to take him to the vet. I hate it when my kitties are sick :-(

Dunno what else. This Thursday is Halloween, and I'm off. Yay! At least, I'm assuming I'm off. The big boss dude still hasn't let us know who is going to be covering it. Fuck it though - I requested it off like 6 weeks ago so as far as I'm concerned it's not my problem. TH wants me to make vodka gummy bears for Halloween night. I can't have vodka gummy bears. Sigh. Or Halloween candy. Double sigh. I'll have to make some keto friendly chocolate thingies or something. TK's buddies are going trick or treating and they want him to go too. It should be fun! I may see if the neighbor wants to come over and hang out, too. We already bought some candy to hand out. There's a chance of rain I think. I hope it doesn't!

Noms for the weekend: Hmmmm. Friday - leftover meatloaf for lunch and wings, pepperoni, and cheese "crisps" for dinner. Oh, and 2 beers :-) Turns out Bud Light Platinum is only 4.4 carbs per bottle. 6% alcohol, too! So under 20 for the day. Saturday - cheese and pepperoni for lunch, and cream cheese crust pizza and 2 beers for dinner. Definitely under 20 again. Sunday - vienna sausages and cheese for lunch, leftover pizza and a piece of meatloaf for dinner. Also under 20 :-)

Song: Billy Idol - White Wedding. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Found Borderlands 2 at Sam's for $9.91! It's still like $19 preowned at Gamestop!!

Worst thing: Poor Baby Stupid :-(

Yep yep yep.

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