Sunday, October 6, 2013

October 6

Sunday night again. Sigh. I woke up kinda early and only took a short nap so I'm a little tired. Not too bad though. The neighbors were assholes all weekend, which was fucking awesome >:-( The dog back in the corner barked almost all weekend. The one neighbor next door was dogsitting again so that dog barked off and on most of the weekend. Somebody cranked up their music Saturday afternoon and it was still going at like 2:00 am when I went to bed. Somebody else started their music up at like 10:00 this morning, and when they finally stopped somebody else started up. So yeah - fucking awesome >:-(

So Friday I stopped by HEB on the way home and picked up a few things. Got home and woke TK up kinda late so I just took him to school. Stopped by Walgreen's and bought some ketostix so I could make sure this diet is working the way it's supposed to. It is :-) Got home and hung out with TH for a while, then we set up some of the Halloween stuff! He left for work and I took a short nap, then got up when TK got home. Played with him and just kinda hung out til TH got home. They had Hot Pockets for dinner and I had some frozen (not boneless) wings. Not bad :-) I was tired so I went to bed when TH did and I don't think TK stayed up too much later.

Saturday we slept a little late then decided to go running around for a while. We went to Dollar Tree and found a few more little Halloween thingies to hang up. Looked at Family Dollar since it was in the same shopping center but they didn't have anything good. Mega Bloks has a new line of Call of Duty sets coming out so we stopped at a Target and Walmart to look for some of those but nobody had any. Went by Gamestop and preordered COD Ghosts and bought COD Modern Warfare 2 for $6. It's the only one we didn't have. Stopped at Sam's for a couple of things and then headed home. It was hot out when we left but by the time we got home the front that they had been talking about had finally made it through so it was a little cooler. We set up the spider web in the front yard and then I made pizza for movie night. TH and TK had frozen pizza and I tried this recipe. I thought it was going to be a disaster but it actually turned out really well! Once it cooled down you could actually pick it up and eat it like real pizza! It was good, too :-) We watched The Croods for movie night. It was pretty funny. Hung out for a little bit and then TH went to bed. TK and I stayed up a little later playing Black Ops 2 then we went to bed around 3:00 or so.

And like I said, this morning I got woken up earlier than I really wanted. Sigh. TK was still asleep so I played a little Black Ops 2 by myself. He got up and his buddy came over so they took over the Xbox and I did a little cleaning and finished the laundry. I had leftover pizza for breakfast (lunch?) and hung out in my room with my laptop. I took a short nap, got up when TH got home, and hung out with him until it was time to come to work.

I'm considering going to bed early in the morning but if I don't TH and I might finish putting up the Halloween decorations. Dunno yet. I'm still a little tired but I have my iced coffee so I should be ok.

And...I had some pictures of the pizza and our big-ass Halloween spider but my phone is being a butt and won't turn them loose. So fuck it - maybe tomorrow.

Noms for the weekend - Hmmmm, it kinda all runs together, lol. Friday I did a hot dog in a bowl (cut up hot dogs, shredded cheese, relish, and mustard) then the wings and some pork rinds for dinner. Saturday I made eggs and pepperoni for breakfast and pizza for dinner. Sunday I had leftover pizza for brunch, pepperoni, cheese, and peanuts when I got to work, and I have a salad with tuna in case I get hungry later. So I did pretty good all weekend.

Song: Eminem - Survival. From the COD Ghosts soundtrack :-)

Best thing: Made a really good pizza!

Worst thing: Loud assholey neighbors all weekend >:-(


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