Monday, September 2, 2013

September 2

Today was Labor Day. Yeehaw. I am so fucking tired of hearing the words "Holiday Weekend". At least it meant I got holiday pay? It was pretty busy at work last night so I just never got around to writing anything. Everybody goes back to work and school tomorrow so it's back to normal. Much better :-)

Friday I went home and got TK off to school then went by HEB for a few things. Got home and hung out with TH for a while, then took a nap. I woke up a little bit after TK got home and we hung out for a while, played some zombies and Minecraft. TH got home and we hung out with him til he went to bed, then stayed up a little bit later working on our Minecraft city a little bit more. We have the town hall/courthouse almost completely finished. It's awesome :-)

Saturday we slept kinda late then basically just kinda hung out all day. Did some laundry, cleaned a little, and played some zombies until TH got home. I made some (frozen) boneless wings, jalapeno poppers, and mozzarella sticks for movie night and we watched Twixt. It was...weird :-/ We got the bark control thingie that we had ordered but it didn't come with a battery so we made a quick trip down to the crappy mart for a battery (and a couple of beers) and then set it up outside. Hung out with TH til he went to bed, then played some Black Ops 2 with TK for a while.

Sunday I got up earlier than I had really planned and never took another nap so I was kinda tired Sunday night. TK and I made some chocolate chip cookies, and I cut up a bunch of salad veggies. We just kinda hung out til TH got home and I made veggie burgers and fries for dinner. Then of course work was busy because of the holiday. Sigh. The drive home Monday was nice, though. No traffic! Went home and hung out by myself for a little while and went to bed kinda early. TK was out of school so I slept til about 5, then we played some zombies and stuff. TH had to go do pool duty (because of the holiday) so he didn't get home until just after I left. It rained a little, just enough to kinda mess up the roads. That's always fun :-/

The neighbor texted me earlier today, she's going out of town for a few days and wanted to know if I would mind feeding her dogs. I'm really (like, really) not a dog person, but hers are sweet :-) So I'll be doing that for a few days. Yeah, we set the bark control thingie out Saturday night, right? It...actually seems like it might be helping! I went out the back door to take the trash out before I left for work tonight and that little fucker just barked a couple of times and stopped. He never does that! Usually once he's decided to bark he cranks up and goes for at least 10 minutes. So I'm really hoping this is going to work! This is really our only option - we've seen that they're not going to keep him quiet on their own and apparently the cops coming out doesn't bother them. I just love living behind oblivious douchebags >:-(

Um, what else? Not really anything I can think of. TH is being kind of a dick right now. I texted him a couple of hours ago and he never answered, so I texted TK and told him to tell TH that I needed to talk to him. TH said he would call me "in a little bit". I told him it was important, too. So he can pretty much go fuck himself tonight. Sigh.

Song: Lhugueny - Nuketown The Musical. The newest Black Ops 2 Zombies parody. It's awesome :-)

Best thing: Maybe solved the dog barking problem?

Worst thing: TH being a douchenugget >:-(


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