Sunday, September 15, 2013

September 15

Sunday night. Back at work, and as of tonight I have officially started my little keto thingie. Yay! I didn't eat dinner before I left home so I brought a salad with spinach, ranch, shredded cheese, green olives, cucumber, pepperoni, and a boiled egg. I also brought a container of frozen broccoli/cauliflower/carrots, some butter, and 2 boneless pork ribs. I packed a few cans of vienna sausages, a container of almonds, a box of Slim Jims, and a bag of salt and vinegar pork rinds to stock my little cabinet here at work. Oh, and some boiled eggs. I made an iced coffee with 2 packs of sweetener and some unsweetened vanilla almond milk to drink on the way to work and I ate the salad when I got here :-) And now I'm drinking water. I figure I might have a diet soda every now and then, but I'm going to try to drink mostly water. I did buy some sleepytime tea to drink in the mornings before I go to bed, since I'm going to go without the alcohol for a while. So I would say I'm off to a good start so far! I guess I'm kinda getting ahead of myself, though...

Ok so Friday I went home and woke TK up early and we went by Chick-fil-a for a free chicken biscuit. Turns out that they do have a good spicy chicken! We were pretty early so we decided to go by the Walmart next door to look for some of those little Halo Mega Bloks mystery packs. They didn't have any though. TK really wants me to find a couple of the new little Grunts. They have like three different colors this time! Dropped him off at school and went to HEB. I got a few things that TH and TK needed, plus some eggs, almond milk, hot dogs, Slim Jims, salt and vinegar pork rinds, a few veggies, and some boneless seasoned pork ribs and chicken sausages that were marked down. Got home and TH was awake so we decided to go to Sam's. We bought some precooked bacon, precooked frozen sausage patties, shredded cheese, frozen uncooked hamburger patties, pepperoni, almonds, two big containers of pork rinds, spinach, some brussel sprouts, and some vitamins. So we have plenty of stuff to cook! Went home and hung out for a while, then TH left for work and I took a quick nap. Got up a little bit after TK got home and UPS had brought TH's birthday present! So we were able to hide it while he wasn't there :-) Played some Minecraft and zombies with him until TH got home then just kinda hung out until he went to bed. We stayed up a little bit later playing Minecraft.

Saturday I woke up at like 6:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I just kinda hung out for a while and TK got up around 9:00. We decided to go mess around for a while so we went to a different Walmart and they had two little packs of Grunts! Went by Target but they didn't have anything. I did pick up a refill for Amoxicillin that I realized I still had because I think I'm trying to get another UTI. Hopefully this will knock it out so I don't end up having to go to the doctor :-/ I also (finally) bought a new pair of shoes! My old ones had holes in the bottoms. So yay! We stopped by Sprouts and bought some of the pork chops that they had on sale, some more almond milk, some tofu, and a head of cauliflower. When we got home I cooked up all of the pork chops and boneless ribs and froze most of it so it would just be heat and eat later. Did a little cleaning and some laundry. We played a few games of zombies and then TK's buddy came over. I took a short nap then cooked some frozen pizzas. TH got home and we watched The Rock. I had seen it before but TH hadn't. It's good, though. Hung out with him for a while and then we went to bed. Dunno how late the boys stayed up. Oh, and the big stuffed turtle that TH bought me to replace the one that I lost in the fire showed up! Now I has another turtle :-)

Sunday I got up early and finished my leftover pizza then just kinda slept off and on for a while. Got up and played some cards and a little Minecraft with TK. Now I'm at work.

I'll go home in the morning and get TK off to school, maybe make something for breakfast if I'm hungry, and drink some of my tea. I think the biggest reason that I drink before I go to bed is that it's just become a ritual, or something. I've gotten used to going home, making TK's lunch and cleaning up the kitchen/emptying the dishwasher if it needs it, and sitting down for a few quiet minutes with a drink. So I'm thinking the tea should kinda have the same effect, right? We'll see, lol. I know TH wants to watch the new Breaking Bad in the morning but it depends on how early he gets up. If he's still asleep and I'm ready for bed, I'm going to bed :-P

Song: Kings of Leon - Supersoaker. Another new one :-)

Best thing: Started the keto thingie tonight!

Worst thing: Took some before pictures on Friday. Talk about fucking depressing :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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