Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 29

Well, I didn't write anything yesterday. Dunno why, I just never really got around to it. So I went home yesterday and got TK up and off to school, then played a little Black Ops 2 and hung out with TH for a while. Went to bed, got up, and came to work. Yay. This morning, same thing except I didn't play anything. I just hung out with TH for a while then went to bed. TH picked TK up after school and they went to Golden Corral for dinner. I got up after they got home and played a little bit of Black Ops 2 with TK before I had to come to work. I stopped on the way here and bought some chicken for dinner. It was pretty good, but I ordered spicy and they gave me regular. I didn't notice until I was already here. Assholes >:-(

I'll probably get TK off to school in the morning then go by HEB and pick up a few things. Maybe play some Black Ops 2, then take a nap until TK gets home. Dunno what else.

Song: AWOLNATION - Kill Your Heroes. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Made a pretty successful cakeday post on Reddit :-)

Worst thing: One of the fish died :-( It was the suckerfish, the only one who didn't really like me. Still sad, though.

Yep yep yep.

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