Thursday, September 5, 2013

September 5

Welp, I didn't go to bed as early as I had hoped but I managed to get up kinda early and I'm not too tired. So that's something. Went home this morning and the very first thing I got to do was clean up a dead lizard and a shit-ton of ants from the hallway. Thanks a lot, asshole cats >:-( Actually that's not quite right. First I had to go inside and get the broom to drag my phone out from under my car because I dropped it getting out and it bounced under there. Then I cleaned up the hall. Made coffee, TK's lunch, and emptied the dishwasher. TH actually got up before TK left which was kinda odd. Got him off to school then we watched a movie and hung out for a while. I went to bed and TH went by Sam's for cat food and a few other things (veggie burgers, nom nom nom!). I woke up around 6:00 or so and made a sandwich then played a game of zombies with TK.

TH swapped out the long towel rod in the hall bathroom for one of the ring-looking ones. Each bathroom had one ring holder and one long bar, but we wanted to add a second long one in our bathroom because we always have 2 towels hanging up at once. In our bathroom the ring is by the sink for a hand towel and the long one is by the shower for a bath towel. Makes sense, right? The hall bathroom was opposite though. Kinda weird. So we just bought a new ring one for the hall bathroom and moved the bar one to our bathroom. So much better!

The neighbor came home tonight but I had to leave for work before I had a chance to see her. I texted her, though :-) Her son was there all day so we didn't end up checking on the dogs at all today. Might hang out with her tomorrow, we'll have to see. I'm thinking I'll get TK off to school in the morning, go by HEB for a few things, then TH and I might go check out Salvation Army for a headboard/bedroom set. We found one on Craigslist that looked nice and was pretty cheap but they sold it already :-( It would be kinda nice to have real furniture in our bedroom, lol.

Dunno what else. TK's buddy might come spend the night this weekend. We hadn't seen him since a couple of weeks before school started but the other day when I had to go pick TK up because the bus broke down we saw him headed home from his bus stop and stopped to chat with him for a few minutes. He's a year ahead of TK so he's in ninth grade now - high school freshman. He's a good kid :-)

Song: Good Charlotte - Dance Floor Anthem. Random shuffle!

Best thing: All of my little fishies are still alive! Surely if they were going to die they would have by now, right?

Worst thing: Stupid dead ant-covered lizard that the stupid cats left in the hall >:-( I mean seriously guys, keep that shit off the carpet!


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