Monday, September 16, 2013

September 16

I feel like absolute dogshit :-/ I guess I managed to catch the sinus crap that TK has been fighting off. Sucks. So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, drank a cup of tea, watched Breaking Bad with TH, and went to bed. I didn't sleep very well because of the stupid sinus shit so I got up a little after TK got home. We played a little Minecraft until TH got home, and he actually cooked dinner because I was feeling so crappy. And now I'm at work feeling crappy, and it has rained off and on for a while, so everything is all humid and gross and squishy. I am not having a good day :-/

Seriously thinking about going straight to bed when I get home in the morning. TK's lunch is already made and the coffee is set up so all I would have to do would be make sure TH wakes up in time to get TK off to school. Guess I'll see how I feel in the morning.

So, noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 fried eggs, 4 slices of bacon, some sauteed spinach, and a little shredded cheese. Oh, and a cup of tea. 2 net carbs. Snack when I woke up - 4 little Slim Jim sticks. 4 net carbs. Iced coffee with unsweetened almond milk on the way to work - 1 net carb. Lunch (brought to work with me) - 2 hamburger patties, a little mayo, and some mixed veggies. 9 net carbs (damn carrots!). Dinner (when I get hungry later on at work) - salad with spinach, dressing, shredded cheese, green olives, celery, cucumber, and boneless pork ribs. 8 net carbs. Grand total - 22. Close enough, lol.

Song: Puddle of Mudd - Away From Me. Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: It rained! We do need the rain (even if it made it gross and humid :-/)

Worst thing: Sick. Dying. Urk, blah....

I guess that's pretty much it.

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