Sunday, September 29, 2013

September 29

Kinda tired tonight. I got up around 10:00 and didn't really have time for a nap so I'm dragging a little bit. I drank my iced coffee and took a caffeine pill so hopefully that will wake me up a little. I had a couple of SF Monsters in the fridge at home but I forgot to grab one. Boo.

So Friday morning I got off work and went up to my mom's house. I stopped on the way there and bought some Monsters and a bag of pork rinds because I was hungry. She was awake when I got there so we hung out for a little while and then I took her to Walmart. I got some non-refrigerated type stuff that we needed, and I found a couple of really cute pairs of earrings. One of them is supposed to be Halloween themed - it's a pair of black kitty cats! I'll wear them any time though, lol. Got finished up there and she wanted to go to Subway for lunch because they have the $5 footlong deal. And, I was right - you can get any sub as a salad but it's like $7. Uh, no. I had heard about Carl's Jr. having a low-carb burger so I looked them up and there was one close by her house. So I got a lettuce-wrapped bacon cheeseburger for about what a sandwich would have cost. Nom nom nom!

We went back to her house, ate lunch, and basically just hung out until it was time for me to head home. I still needed to stop by HEB for milk and frozen veggies and stuff so I decided to just stop on my way home. By the time I finished up at the store it had started sprinkling and it was just almost time for TK to be getting off the bus so I hung out at the bus stop until he got there. By the time we got home it was pouring so he helped me unload everything really quick. After a little while his buddy came over and they played video games while I just kinda hung out in my room. His buddy left, TH got home, and I hung out with him for a while then we both went to bed.

Saturday I slept kinda late then did a little cleaning, vacuuming, and started the laundry. Played some Black Ops 2 with TK until TH got home and we made nachos for movie night. Well, they made nachos. I made pork rind nachos without beans :-) We watched Olympus Has Fallen. It was really good! Lots of action :-) I went to bed when TH did again because I was tired.

Sunday I got up a little earlier and played some Black Ops 2 online multiplayer while TK was still asleep.  I had a couple of really good games! He woke up and I played with him until his buddy showed up then just kinda hung out in my room. I made dinner before TH got home - Carne asada with jalapenos, broccoli, and cauliflower. I wasn't hungry yet so I brought some of that and a salad to work.

It rained off and on several times over the weekend so that was nice. Tomorrow is the beginning of the bulky item pickup so the couch that has been sitting out at the street for like 2 weeks now will go away. Yay! And tonight was the series finale of Breaking Bad :-( TH and I are going to watch it in the morning so I'm trying to stay away from Reddit and everything so it's not spoiled. Still need to figure out what series to watch next!

Noms: Eh, too complicated. I stayed under every day though, so yay me!

Song: Chvrches - The Mother we Share. Another new one.

Best thing: Made a trip up to Mom's and managed to stay on keto :-)

Worst thing: Sooooo tired :-/


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