Wednesday, September 4, 2013

September 4

It rained at my house earlier! We had a really good thunderstorm and it rained for about an hour. I got rained on a little bit on my way to work but when I got here it hadn't rained at all. Weird. It's a little cooler right now than it has been. When the rain started it dropped from about 100 to 81. Now it's like 75 or so. It actually feels kinda nice! I am so ready for it to start cooling off. These 100+ degree days are getting old!

So I went home this morning and got TK off to school, then stayed up for a while with TH. We watched the new Breaking Bad and just kinda hung out for a while. I went to bed a little late but slept pretty good and got up around 6:00. I had talked to the neighbor early this morning and she said her son was going to be home most of the day today so I didn't need to worry about the doggies until later. We went over and checked on them, then I played a little bit of Minecraft with TK. That's when it started storming. It was awesome :-) We made fajita bowl type thingies for dinner. We cooked some peppers, onions, zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms, and a couple of Hatch chiles and mixed it all with some of that carne asada that I had cooked and frozen last week. Thawed out some homemade refried beans, made some rice, and smashed a couple of avacados. It was awesome! And, we ended up with so many cooked veggies that we only used half of them so I need to figure out what to do with the leftovers. Hmmm...maybe something with quinoa?

The guy at work texted me earlier and said that early in the day a couple of unmarked cars from the city police department came in out here. This area is not technically in the city limits, just the ETJ (Extraterritorial jurisdiction), so really the county sheriff's department is the one in charge out here. So that means that it probably involved something that happened in the city. A little while later a crime scene van, another police car, and a crisis counselor came through. The only thing he was able to find out was that "the suspect" was in jail so we didn't need to be on the lookout for anyone or anything like that. So that's good I guess, but yikes! And now I kinda really want to know what happened!

So I cleaned out the fish tank last night, filled it back up, and left it all day with the filter running to try to get the yuck out before I put the fishies back in. They sat in a bucket of the old water on the desk all day. They still looked alright when I got here so I dumped them back in the tank. They're all swimming around and shit and they look ok, so I'm really hoping they won't just like, drop dead all of a sudden :-/

Kinda thinking about going to bed early tomorrow. Dunno yet. It's Wednesday though, so only one more day! Yay :-)

Song: Nirvana - About a Girl. Random shuffle, again :-)

Best thing: Rain!!

Worst thing: One of the kitties knocked the George Foreman grill that my mom gave us off the counter and broke it. Asshole >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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