Sunday, September 8, 2013

September 8

Sunday night, again. Yay. I actually slept kinda late today so I'm really not very tired. So that's good. TK texted me a little while ago and said he's not feeling well. His stomach hurts and he feels like he might puke :-/ I really hope he's not trying to get sick. I hate it when he's sick! Plus school like, just freaking started and it would suck for him to already miss a day. Hopefully he wakes up in the morning feeling better!

So Friday I went home and got TK off to school then stopped by HEB for a few things. TH was up when I got home so we decided to go to Salvation Army to look for a headboard and stuff. We didn't really find anything there so we were going to go check out another one but when we got there it had moved. So that kinda sucked. We did go by one other little thrift store and found a couple of cute little stuffed toys. And, I found a little stuffed Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) in a birthday cake. I went ahead and got it for TH's birthday :-) Went home and ate some lunch then just kinda hung out til TH left for work. I played a little Black Ops 2 then took a quick nap until TK got home. We played some zombies and some Minecraft, then played some cards and just kinda hung out for a while. The neighbor came over and stayed for a little bit. That was fun :-) TH got home and I hung out with him until he went to bed, then TK and I stayed up a little later and went to bed around 2:30.

Saturday we didn't sleep too late. I started some laundry and did a little cleaning, and TK and I played some zombies and just kinda hung out until time for TH to get home. We made nachos for dinner and watched Now You See Me. It was actually really good! TK's buddy came over about halfway through the movie so they wandered off to play while TH and I finished the movie. I hung out with him til he went to bed then went to play with the boys. We played some zombies and some Halo 4. It was fun :-) I left them and went to the living room for a little quiet before I went to bed.

Sunday I slept kinda late then got up and finished the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, and played with TK for a while. Made soup and grilled cheese for dinner after TH got home, and now I'm at work. Woohoo.

Otherwise, not really much going on. Saturday night it got really dark and windy, and thundered for a while but all it really did was sprinkle for a few minutes.

Song: Man Man - Head On. Another new one.

Best thing: Friday night TK and I ordered TH's birthday present. He is going to be completely and totally surprised!

Worst thing: Sick TK, maybe? :-/


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