Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 22

It was a good weekend :-) Friday morning I stopped at Randall's on my way home and bought some brownies for TH's birthday. It started raining before I got home so I got a little wet. Got home and got TK off to school then played a little Black Ops 2 until TH got up. We hung out and drank coffee for a while then went to a couple of different thrift stores to look for a headboard. We didn't find one, but I found a cute picture to hang in our bathroom. It has frogs and turtles and stuff on it :-) It was still fun to just go somewhere together and mess around. We got rained on quite a bit, too. I remembered that I still had a gift card so we went to a new little Mexican food place. I got a fajita plate, no tortillas, and a salad on the side instead of the rice and beans. It was really good! Stopped at HEB on the way home to pick up a few things and got home just in time to pick TK up after he got off the bus, since it had started raining again. We got some serious rain!

We played poker for a while then gave TH his birthday presents. We bought him 2 Transformers Animated Vehicon Jets (Jeticons). He has a couple of the car versions but the jet ones were only released in Japan, and they're pretty expensive. So he was completely and totally surprised to even get one! We did good :-) He played with them for a while and then we watched The End of The World. It was a little silly, but pretty good. I hadn't had a nap at all so I went to bed when he did, around 9:30 or so.

Saturday TH went to work, as usual, and I woke up at freaking 8:30! I am like, never up that early. Especially when I don't get any sleep on Fridays. TK woke up a little later and I made us breakfast, did some laundry, cleaned the bathrooms, changed the sheets, and cleaned up the kitchen. We were bored so we decided to go down to Academy and look at the guns. It was cool :-) Wandered around there for a while then stopped at Sonic for a medium drink because we had a free coupon. Got home and played some Minecraft and some zombies, then I cooked frozen pizza for TH and TK, and made a "pizza" for me. I used this recipe, except I used a can of chunk chicken breast and cheddar cheese, because I didn't have any mozzarella. It was really good, but I think it would have been better with the mozzarella. I think I should have cooked it longer because it wasn't very crispy. I'll try it the right way next time. But, I had pizza! So who cares, lol. TH got home and we watched World War Z. The movie was good, but the ending was kinda lame :-/ The zombies were awesome, though! TK's buddy came over about halfway through the movie so they disappeared into the game room. After the movie TH went to bed and I hung out with them for a little bit before I went to bed.

Sunday I slept a little later, got up and cleaned the kitchen, and just kinda hung out with the boys until TK's buddy left then TK and I played some Black Ops 2 online multiplayer. I kicked some serious ass! I don't know what the deal was but I liked it :-) Took a nap for a couple of hours and now I'm at work. It's nice and cool outside. I think it only hit like 80-something today, and it's 68 right now. I likes :-)

Noms: Too much trouble, lol. I did manage to stay under 20 every day except Friday. Damn fajita veggies.

Song: Linkin Park, Steve Aoki - A Light That Never Comes. Their newest :-)

Best thing: So, I weighed again. 379.6! That's down almost 12 lbs from where I started a week ago, and almost 30 lbs since I started doing the points thing in May :-) !!!

Worst thing: I've started having leg cramps. Pretty sure I'm not getting enough potassium. I need to figure out how to fix this :-/


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