Tuesday, September 3, 2013

September 3

Kinda tired tonight - I went to bed late and didn't really get to sleep as late as I wanted to. It's not too bad, though. I heard that Sonic was doing half-price breakfast burritos today so I stopped on the way home and bought some for breakfast. TH and I got Supersonic and TK got an Ultimate Meat and Cheese. Nom nom nom. Got home and made TK's lunch, sent him off to school, then the neighbor came by for a little bit. She gave me a key and we went back to her house so she could show me the dog food and all that. Hung out with her for a while and TH was awake when I got home. Ate breakfast and chatted with him then went to bed. I woke up at about time for TK to get home but he wasn't home yet. Not that unusual because sometimes he hangs out and chats with his buddies at the bus stop. Then he called from school. The bus had broken down before it had even left the front of the school and it was going to take a while to send another one :-/ So I went and picked him up. And it was freaking hot!

Got home and played a little Minecraft, ate a sandwich, and just kinda hung out til TH got home. Went over and checked on the doggies and they were so happy to see us. They weren't even out of food yet, lol. Messed around, took a shower, and now I'm at work. Yay. But - I cleaned the fish tank tonight! It was kind of a pain in the ass because all we have is this tiny little sink and really nowhere to set stuff but I did it. Yay! I've got it filled back up and the pump running to clear the water before I put the fish back in. Right now they're in a little 3 gallon or so bucket. I hope they'll be ok in there until tomorrow :-/

Dunno what else. Probably go home in the morning and get TK off to school then watch the new Breaking Bad. We're a few days late this week, lol.

Oh oh oh I almost forgot. So early this morning some guy broke into a car dealership, started a small fire, called 911 and hung up a bunch of times, and barricaded himself inside. The cops, fire department, SWAT, bomb squad, everybody came out. They shut down the access road in front of the place and made everyone get on the highway which fucked up traffic all morning. This went on for like five hours before the dude finally came out, butt naked, and tried to run from the cops. They sent the dogs after him. WTF is wrong with some people?

Song: Joan Jett - I Love Rock and Roll. Random shuffle :-)

Best thing: Cleaned the fish tank!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.

Okey dokeys then.

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