Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 1

Well, I'm tired tonight but it's a good kind of tired. Went home this morning and hung out with TH for a little bit then went to bed kinda early. Woke up at 4:00, and TK and I went swimming again! Pretty much the same as last Friday. We got there around 5 and swam for 2 hours, then went home and played a game of zombies and hung out with TH til it was time to go to work. It was cooler today, only about 93 instead of the 105 that it was a few days ago. That was nice :-) The pool wasn't as crowded, either. We might go back tomorrow, not sure yet though. We definitely want to go Wednesday so TH can go, too. Then Wednesday night the clubhouse near where I work is having their fireworks show so we’ll go early and watch that. Should be fun!

Dunno what else. I’m definitely getting some decent exercise by going swimming. We actually swam a couple of laps, but then the whole time I’m in the water I’m constantly moving, too. My everything is kinda tired but I feel really good! I dunno, everything is just good right now. Well, not everything I guess, but still. I think I’m actually happy right now! It’s nice :-) Only problem is that in the very back of my mind I can’t help but think that I’m just waiting for something to go wrong :-/ I need to try to get over that.

Best thing: Swimming!!

Worst thing: Blogger.com is being a butt so this is getting posted late >:-(


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