Tuesday, July 23, 2013

July 23

So once again TK was awake when I got home, so I played a game of zombies with him and hung out with TH for a little while. I actually went to bed kinda early and set an alarm to get up and go swimming, but when I woke up TK was asleep. I kinda poked him and asked if he wanted to go swimming or sleep and he chose sleep. So I went back to bed. Sigh. Maybe tomorrow? Got up when TH got home and messed with him until it was time to come to work. TH woke TK up when he got home so hopefully he'll be tired tonight and be able to sleep. Dunno.

Song: Eden's Crush - Get Over Yourself. I had totally forgotten about this song! We used to watch the "Making the Band" type show that put this group together. Wow, that was a long time ago!

Best thing: So two of my favorite residents came through earlier tonight. They're always super nice, and sometimes they'll give me a couple of dollars because they say I'm always super friendly and shit and make them smile. Basically a tip, I guess. So they stopped and chatted for a while and as they were leaving they handed me...$100. Holy fuckballs!!! They wubs me :-)

Worst thing: I was almost late to work because I got stuck in road construction shit. And it wasn't even the work crews, it was the other fucktard drivers waiting til the last minute to try to squeeze into the one lane that was still open. Dumbasses >:-(

I guess that's pretty much it.

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