Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3

Well...I'm tired, my feet hurt, my eyes burn, and so far it has been busier than fuck at work, but I don't care. I had fun today :-) Went home and went to bed pretty early then got up and we went swimming! TK's buddy and his little sister went with us, so that was fun. We stayed about 2 hours then dropped them off and went home for a while. I stopped at Subway on the way to work to get a sandwich for later. We stopped at Target and bought some more popper thingies, and TH and TK looked at the toys. Of course they both found something to buy, lol. We actually ended up missing most of the fireworks show though. It was supposed to start at 9:30 but I got here at like 9:23 and it was almost over. So that kinda sucks. I did get to see a little bit of it as I was driving in so at least that was something. The guy here at work had invited his roomates and their kid to come see the fireworks, and the guy who set up the fish tank was here too. It was neat :-) TH and TK hung out for just a little while then headed home to play with their toys. They stopped at Taco Bell for dinner. And again - holy shit it is busy!

Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll probably go to bed a little early again if I can, then just get up and play with TK. TH has to go work the pool from 7-9 so I'm thinking about taking TK and leaving for work a little early again to see if we can catch some more fireworks somewhere. Then TH can pick him up when he heads home. Dunno yet. I found out for sure that I have to work Friday night so I'm not terribly excited about that. It's just going to make it a weird weekend because I'll work Friday, be off Saturday, work Sunday, then be off Monday. Then everything's back to normal. Oh well, lol.

Song: DMX - X Gon' Give It To Ya. Random shuffle. I likes!

Best thing: Swimming!!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired.


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