Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11

Well, we ended up not going swimming again today. TH didn't feel like it so he didn't wake me up. Sigh. Definitely tomorrow, though. Supposed to meet my neighbor at the pool and swim for a while, then go back to our house and get drunk and silly :-) TK is going to see if his buddy and his little sister can go so he has somebody to play with. Might see if the buddy wants to spend the night, too. The gummy bears are almost ready. They'll probably be done enough by tomorrow night. I need to make some hummus or something, too. It should be fun! It sucks though because we're almost freaking broke again and we don't get paid again until next Thursday. Sigh.

So I basically just went home and hung out by myself for a little while, then went to bed. Got up and everyone was asleep so I took a shower and played a game of zombies. Made some brown rice, stir fry veggies, and a tilapia fillet for dinner and packed some of the extra rice and veggies to bring to work with me. I got most of the clutter and stuff that was on the breakfast bar and the table moved out of the way so the house looks a little more presentable for tomorrow night. Yay.

 I talked to the patrol dude a little more last night. If the guy who is thinking about quitting does and I take his place, he said that it is a Sunday 7 hour shift, then a Monday-Wednesday 10 hour shift. So that's 37 hours spread over 4 days. I might could either pick up a 5th day with extra hours or find a 10 hour shift for the 4th day. I guess it would just depend. I'm still not exactly sure what it would pay - he said it varies. He did say though that when he got hired he had no security experience at all and they started him at $.50 more per hour than I'm making here. So it would be no less than that, and probably a little more since I do have 5 years experience :-) He's going to let me know when they find out for sure whether that guy is going to quit or not. I'm still kinda excited!

Song: System Of A Down - BYOB. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: It's Thursday night :-)

Worst thing: No swimming :-(

I guess that's pretty much it.

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