Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 30

Last day of June. Wow. Seems like it went by awfully fast. Dunno. So it's Sunday night again, hooray. Not too busy so far tonight, which is always good. I'm wondering what it's going to be like later this week though. It's usually pretty busy around a holiday. The other guy here at work said he might want this Friday night off and asked if I would be willing to work for him then, and he would work for me next Monday night. I told him sure but he'd better let me know ahead of time, lol.

Let's see...I didn't really feel like writing anything Thursday night but there wasn't much going on anyway. I think I pretty much just went home and hung out for a while, slept, then got up and hung out some more. Then went to work. Nothing exciting. I did have a fire truck, ambulance, and a couple of cop cars come through while I was at work. They said some drunk dude fell and busted his head open. So there was that, I guess.

Friday I went home and hung out with TH for a little bit, then took a nap. Got up around 4:00 and TK and I went swimming! It wasn't as bad as I was afraid it was going to be. There were a lot of people there, and a bunch of little kids, but we managed to find relatively quiet little areas. They do a 5 minute break every hour to test the water and stuff, and everyone has to get out of the pool. We got there right after a break, which was nice. It was so much fun! We stayed almost 2 hours then got out and changed and stopped by HEB for a few things. We stopped at Burger King for a couple of $.50 ice cream cones on the way home. Played a couple of games of zombies until TH got home and hung out with him until he went to bed. I stayed up a little bit later messing around with TK then went to bed.

Saturday we slept pretty late and when I woke up my whole body was tired and a little sore! Swimming was more exercise than I've gotten in...a while :-/ We had thought about going again Saturday but decided not to. We hung out for a while, I did some cleaning and organizing, then we played some Super Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo. Stopped and made some Salsa of Doom and got everything ready for nachos before TH got home. We watched Oz The Great And Powerful for movie night. It was actually better than I thought it was going to be! Hung out with TH til he went to bed then TK and I played a little MW3 Spec Ops and a few games of zombies, then I went to bed.

Woke up in the middle of the night and it was storming! I think there was only about a 30% chance of rain or anything so we were a little surprised. We actually got a decent little storm, though. And of course when I got up today there were little muddy kitty prints all over the world. Sigh. So I cleaned up the footprints, cleaned the kitchen and emptied the dishwasher, did some laundry, and made a salsa chicken soup type thing in the crockpot. Played a few games of zombies with TK, then when TH got home hung out with him til time to go to work. Yeehaw, huh? I'm thinking about trying to go to bed early tomorrow and taking TK swimming again. We'll see.

Song: Harry101UK - (Portal 2) This is Aperture. Another parody song. TK showed me this one and now it's stuck in my head, lol. We've been playing some Portal 2 lately, on co-op. I haven't tried single player, but kinda don't think I would get very far by myself - I am not a smart girl :-/

Best thing: Weighed again yesterday. 383.8!!! That's almost 25 pounds gone. Yay me! :-)

Worst thing: We are like, freaking broke until payday (Thursday). Like, I'm hoping we have enough gas to make it til then kinda broke. Sucks :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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