Sunday, July 21, 2013

July 21

Sunday night again already. Man, the weekends are just way too short :-/ Didn't really do much either so I guess that didn't help. Friday I stopped at Randall's on the way home to get some of the shredded cheese that is on sale. Bought some grapes too, and discovered that they mark their gallons of milk down half price when they start getting close to the expiration date. Score! Went home and hung out with TH for a while, then took a nap because TK was still asleep. Got up and went to HEB for a few things then went home and played some Minecraft and zombies. Made veggie burgers and fries for dinner when TH got home then hung out with him til he went to bed.

Saturday I slept off and on most of the day, but never slept very well. Got up and did some cleaning and started the laundry and played with TK til time for TH to get home. I had bought some seasoned chicken thighs and leg quarters and put them in the crockpot Friday afternoon so we had chicken fajita nachos for movie night. We watched Bubba Ho-Tep, and while it wasn't exactly what I expected, it wasn't bad. I kinda thought it would be a low budget cheesy zombie film. It was entertaining, at least. Hung out with TH til he went to bed, then played some Black Ops 2 multiplayer and a little Minecraft with TK. We added a blacksmith shop and a mob fighting arena to our little city. It's looking really good! Went to bed around 4 am.

Sunday I slept kinda late, and TK was asleep when I got up again. He's going to be quite disappointed when school starts back and he has to quit being nocturnal, lol. Didn't really do much, just kinda messed around for a while and made a chicken/veggie/brown rice skillet thingie for dinner. Hung out with TH when he got home til it was time to come to work. Eh. Snipe brought another bird in the house, looked like an older baby this time. We managed to get ahold of it and it didn't look hurt so we took it back outside to the tree where the pissed off parents were hanging out. I swear, these fucking cats. For the last couple of weeks it seems like they have brought in at least one critter per day, dead or alive. This was like the fifth bird. Yesterday it was a grasshopper that, I shit you not, had to have been at least 5 inches long. TH texted me after I got to work tonight and said that they had just brought in another grasshopper. They're quite fond of lizards, too. You would think they would have figured out by now that if we catch them inside with something alive, we're going to take it away from them. Buttheads.

So, my sister called me a little while ago to tell me that they had just gotten kicked out of where they were staying. Sigh. It's her, her loser boyfriend, and their 2 little boys who are (I think) 2 1/2 and 1 1/2. Something like that. So now they don't have a place to stay and still don't really have jobs and don't have any money and and and...Shit it just makes me so freaking mad! They are never going to get their shit together and it's the kids who have to suffer for their shitty decisions. She is 32 fucking years old and can't even take care of herself. She had no business even having one kid, let alone two. I just don't get it.

Oh and I almost forgot - somebody peed on the stove today, and it looked like there was some blood mixed in. Again :-/ I'm not sure who it was, either. Probably Snipe, but I just don't know for sure. So now we need to watch them carefully and hope we can figure out who it is and take them back to the vet. Fucking dammit.

Sigh. Anyway...

Song: Metallica - Enter Sandman. I love this song - I can't believe I haven't posted it yet!

Best thing: Had a couple of really good multiplayer games in Black Ops 2. Went 13 and 5 on one. 2.60 k/d, fuckers :-)

Worst thing: Looks like we have a sick kitty again :-(


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